Watching a Horror Movie

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BEN's P.O.V:

I couldn't help stop think about Slender's advice. 'She'll say yes. She loves me. But what if she doesn't want to?! What is she's not ready!? What if she doesn't feel the same..? What is she didn't expect this to last..?', I thought silently. I sighed sadly. "Are you okay?" I screeched at the sudden voice. I turned and saw (Y/n) with a surprised look on her face. That's right, I was at her house; I forgot. I tried to even my breath.
"I–I'm f–fine..", I breathed. "A–Are you sure..? I mean—You looked really sad, and you were all sighing and stuff—I got a little worried, so I was gonna ask if you were okay, and when I did... You screamed, like, really loud—Scared the shit outta me.", She asked concerned. I smiled at the thought of her being worried about me. "I–I'm fine. Really. I just... Zoned out, is all.", I answered, smiling slightly. She hesitantly nodded. "Okay." In a rush to change the subject, I suggested we watch a movie.
She agreed with a small 'sure'. She sat down on the couch and I looked at the movies. "While I'm looking, maybe you should get some snacks?", I suggested, looking at the movies. "Right.", She went to the kitchen. I hummed in thought, this was a hard decision.
I skimmed the titles. There was a lot of interesting movies from almost all genres. I saw Grownups, Grownups 2, Click, and Let's be Cops. I also saw some of the Harry Potter movies, some of the Lord of the Rings movies, and The Hobbit. I wasn't really in the mood to watch any of these so I looked threw another pile of movies.
Just as I had gotten to the third movie in the stack I heard (Y/n) yell from the kitchen, "Want some (F/C)(Favorite Chips)??" I yelled 'yes' in reply. I looked back at the movie in my hands and saw it was a horror movie. It was (H/M/N)(Horror Movie Name). I didn't know she had this.
I thought she hated this movie. Now, she was dating me, a ghost/serial killer, so the gore and the Killer/Demons/Ghosts didn't bother her. It was the jump scares. I shrugged and put it in. Why not, right?
As soon as I sat on the couch (Y/n) came into the room. She plopped down on the couch with two bowls. One filled with popcorn and the other had (F/C). "What we watching?", She asked, popping a piece of popcorn in her mouth. Just as she flicked off the lamp—the only on at that—I smirked. "Just (H/M/N)."
She slowly looked over at me, popcorn in her mouth, "What..?" The title screen popped up. With remote in hand I clicked play while answering, "You know." She sent me a glare and looked towards the TV.


Thirty minutes into the movie, there was already around five jump scares and if looks could kill—I'd be two times dead by now. "I hate you..", I heard her huff. I chuckled. "No you don't.", I quipped back, "You love me." She blushed slightly and looked away huffing. I smiled.
I turned to the TV. As soon as I did a jump scare appeared, catching me off guard. I screamed and fell off the couch; hitting my head. (Y/n) gasped, not laughing this time. "Owwww," I groaned. (Y/n) helped me back up onto the couch. "Oh no, BEN. There's already a bruise forming.", She stated, lightly touching my forehead.
"This is probably the first time you didn't laugh at my screwup.", I laughed lightly. "This time you actually got hurt though." I smiled at her caring nature. I slowly removed her hand from my forehead and held it gently in both of my own. "I love you.", I smiled. She blushed and smiled back, "I love you too." I leaned in and kissed her gently. After we parted we actually turned the movie off and just cuddled for a while.

A/N: Omg, this fluff even got me. It makes me a little sad lol. #SingleAndAloneForever. *internally crying*... Anyways! I hope you all enjoyed! Thanks for reading! BA BYE! Toby will be updated tomorrow btw!

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