When He Confesses His Feelings for You/Asks you out

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You were in your room playing (f/g)(favorite game). BEN hasn't been back since you beat his ass at Black Ops II. You thought it was so he could get away with not keeping his end of the bet. As you thought about it your game started glitching. Immediately you knew it was BEN.
He crawled out of your TV. As you studied his appearance.. he was actually wearing one of Sally's dresses. You laughed your ass off. He snarled.
"B-BEN... Pfft! Ha ha ha!", You said between laughs. Tears poured from your eyes as you laid on the ground laughing and clutching your stomach. He rolled his eyes. "You're really enjoying this, aren't you?", He muttered. You nodded; still laughing.


After what seemed like hours of laughing you finally got a hold of yourself. "You done now?", He asked. You nodded catching your breath. "I can't believe you went through with it.", You snickered. "I hate you.", He mumbled to himself; although you still heard.
You smirked. "No you don't.. you love me.", You retorted. He blushed. "N-no I don't!", He replied. You rolled your eyes, "Whatever you say... So, ready to play?", You asked. He said yes and you guys played the Xbox.


After a long time of winning, losing, and switching games BEN paused the one you were currently playing. "What is it, BEN?", You asked both annoyed that he paused the game and confused because, well, he paused the game. "Oh, uh, nothing... I'm, uh, going to get some chips.", He hesitantly got up. Before he walked out he asked, "Any requests?" "Yeah, uh... Get some (f/c)(favorite chips)."
"Got it.", He said then exited the room. You thought it was kinda weird... I mean he paused the game for chips.. he usually can play a whole day without eating. You just kept thinking about it. You had no idea why he was acting so weird.


So I was in the kitchen looking for what she requested or any chips at all. I searched through all of her cabinets, but couldn't find any. So I looked through her fridge and found some ice cream. "Eh, why not?", I asked myself. I grabbed the tub of (f/I)(favorite ice cream) and headed back to (Y/n)'s room.
When I got back (Y/n) instantly looked up at me. She had a quite confused look on her face. I followed her gaze. She was looking at the ice cream. "I couldn't find the chips.", I said with a shrug.

Your P.O.V

When BEN got back I looked up at him. I noticed he had ice cream in his hands instead of chips; like he said he was going to get. I eyed the ice cream in confusion. I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of BEN's voice. "I couldn't find the chips.", He said shrugging.
I nodded. "Um, okay... (F/I) is my favorite anyways.", I said smiling brightly. "Really?", BEN asked. "Yeah.", I replied. "Cool.", He said; walking over to me and sitting down.
We then continued to play our game while eating ice cream.

Normal P.O.V

A few hours later you started to feel sleepy. You continued playing with BEN though. Your eyes lids got heavier and heavier by the minute. You tried your best to stay awake and keep playing. You played, and played, and played.
After a while, a yawn escaped your throat. BEN paused the game and looked at you. "Are you tired?", He asked. "N-no...*yawn* I-i'm fine..", You yawned. He smiled softly.
"You need to get some rest.", He said softly. You slowly nodded. "Okay..", you said already drifting off to sleep. BEN picked you up and carried you to bed. He tucked you into bed.
"Hey, uh, (Y/n)?", He asked hesitantly. "Yes, BEN?", You questioned. "I was wondering.. before you go to sleep... W-will y-you be my g-girlfriend?", The now blushing madly, BEN stuttered. You smiled. "Of course, BEN... I love you.", You said. "I love you too, (Y/n).", He replied happily; then kissed your forehead before leaving. You soon fell asleep.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I think it was cute. Sorry if it was short or if it was bad. Thanks! Ba-bye! :)

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