Experiment 21.0B

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Name:Experiment 21

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Name:Experiment 21.0B
Really name:Bellen (Bell-en) Ellen

Personally:She doesn't talk but she very caring,often quite and stays in the shadow,mysteriously strange,violence is her monster,can be rude and mean at times.

Birthday:Her actually birthday is Nov.13 but since she can't remember what her birthday is she think is Sep.14

Family:Her family was a husband,a baby girl,twin son,and a dog but all are dead.Husband got shot,baby die from heart failure,one son killed himself and the other run away and got killed,and the dog got run over.

Story:Since all relative of her family died one by one she decided to go into the woods with a razor and slit her arm,leg and throat and fall on the ground dead and left there to decay very slowly only the face though,after a few days Katheren found her knowing that she's dead she decided to cut off her leg,arm,and hand and cut off a bit of her side for fun and left her there so the body can finish decomposing tacking the arm and the hand with her.After a couple of days when Katheren did her fun a scientist found her and took her to a little lab he has do do some test with her,he sew the leg back on her but always end out bleeding out and the sides but the stitches won't hold the bleeding of the missing hand and arm and the slit throat won't stop,he decided to take her clothes off but only leaving the underwear she had (reason why he took the clothes off is because they were infected so don't get any dirty thoughts) and band-aid the chest area,after all of that was done he put her in a experiment tube to see if he can revive which he did and give her the name Experiment 21.0B since her name is Bellen and she was found her in October 21 and also thought the word 'experiment' fit her.

Other stuff:
.Since she is an experiment,she has extra stuff such as when she opens her mouth there a tentacle in it but it will only be on accident,not on purpose.

.She been in the lab for 5 years so that will explain the tentacle mouth.

.The scientist assistant and caretaker of the house that he lives in.

.She loves anything pastels

.Never bother her when she naps

.Love anything cute and creepy

.Like to take small walks in the woods

.Will attack anyone if they come near her with any medical tools other except for the scientist

So yeah new O.C hope you like her and I'll probably do one with her but colored

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