WELCOME TO THE PANIC ROOM (experiment Mugman)

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You know the experiment Mickey and Oswald thing I did but as human form,yeah don't worry I'll do them in more of their animals version but I did experiment Mugman for this picture and look how it came out!

You know the experiment Mickey and Oswald thing I did but as human form,yeah don't worry I'll do them in more of their animals version but I did experiment Mugman for this picture and look how it came out!

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*Sniff*so beautiful,also those are lyrics from the song up there👆and I've been listening to it all day and I can't stop so that's going to be a problem,*ahem* hope you like it.(P.S. In this A.U. I made which I don't know if it's going to be a book or not because my story are cringy,Mugman is just a walking shell or a body with no soul)

"Welcome to the PANIC ROOM"

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