The Fandom Hole Be Like (comic)

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Freddy:(talks bluntly)*Holding a piece of paper*Welcome to the "Fandom Hole" I'll be you guide

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Freddy:(talks bluntly)*Holding a piece of paper*Welcome to the "Fandom Hole" I'll be you guide

Freddy:(talks bluntly)*Holding a piece of paper*Welcome to the "Fandom Hole" I'll be you guide

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Bendy:*being chased by sans while screaming in the distance*AAAAAAAAA

Bendy:*being chased by sans while screaming in the distance*AAAAAAAAA

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*Freddy turns around to see Bendy being Gaster blasted by sans*

*Bendy falls on the ground,burned,and Freddy turns around once again*

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*Bendy falls on the ground,burned,and Freddy turns around once again*

*Bendy falls on the ground,burned,and Freddy turns around once again*

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Freddy:(talks bluntly)Yeah,you'll fit in just fine
Cuphead & Mugman:...

Mugman:(scared and worry)Cuphead, I Wanna go home
Cuphead:(also scared)We can't go home Mugs,THIS IS OUR HOME!!

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