Soft Side

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so if you guys want to have a part in this from Loki's point of view please comment this. Anyway lets ago

You were in the library reading some books from Asgard that you knew. Someone walked in and sat by you. Instead of looking at them you pulled your hood over your head so they wouldn't speak to you. "Hey look I'm sorry about what I did. I didn't do an attack though. (y/n) please listen to me." a voice you new all to well said. "Look Loki I'm not in the mood for one of your sorry stories." you said looking in the other direction. He grabbed your arm to make sure you listened. You looked into his eyes which you could swear had tears in them. "Fine. I guess I can forgive you." You said to him as he gave a slight smile.

You had been there for about two weeks and loved every second of it. Well all but the first 2 or 3 days in which case you hated every second. "(y/n) listen to me i think I should let you go." Loki said to you. "wh-what?" you said shocked. "i love you to much to keep you here trapped. not free."  he said which made you smile that he cared enough to let you go. "Loki I promise that I wont tell anybody where you are." you said to him. He smiled at you. "wait Loki why not you come to my school... You could be a transfer student!" you said trying to do something that would let you stay with him even longer. At this he smiled in agreement. 

That night you left with Loki trying to find a name that he could use. "Oh how about Colin?" "Nah to British." Loki said. which made you laugh. "you are British!" you tried not to yell. "Anyway how about Thomas?" he asked you as you shook your head. "How about Tom?" you asked. Loki stopped walking to think about it. "Yeah that would be a good name." You smiled at this. "Well the easy part is over now for the hard part...To find a last name for you." as you said this both your smiles vanished. "Hiddleston?" Loki asked. you looked down to think about that and agreed. "I now pronounce you Loki of Asgard Tom Hiddleston of um Brooklyn?" you tried to sound official but failed which Loki laughed at. "Okay than my name is now Tom Hiddleston! Lets ago." he said sounding like Nathie. As you left you thought of all that you could do with him.

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