Chapter Thirty Seven

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I screamed, there was no way else to put it. Jumping to my feet, I rushed down the ladder, my eyes never leaving Camden's fallen form. I choked on a sob as I watched his shirt turned red, urging my feet to move faster.

The cops were closing in on him, and Camden tried to move. He was doing a kind of limping crawl, but he wasn't making much progress. "Camden!" I screamed, and he turned towards me, face breaking out on a smile, but it looked more like a grimace. "Camden," I repeated, finally reaching where he was collapsed.

Before I could say anything or formulate a plan, Camden tugged on my sleeve with a serious expression. "Leave me, leave while you can!" He yelled urgently, giving me a quick shove and I stumbled.

"No, of course not, never!" I replied, taking his other arm and trying to get him to stand. He struggled to his feet, but after a few tries, he was standing. "Can you... run?" He nodded, but I caught his uncertainty. "Okay, let's try," I encouraged.

We took a step and he immediately winced, mumbling a curse as he clutched at his wound. I looked backwards to see the officers gaining more and more on us. "Run, run!" I yelled at Camden, "we have to go, now, try to walk!"

"I can't." Camden shook his head. "I already tried, you saw how hopeless it was. I will stay, but you must leave. You can find the others and continue the rebellion. I can't-"

"Stay where you are! We have you surrounded, and we demand to take Ellery Kent back for the prototype surgery! Put your hands up!" The officer in the front said in a microphone, projecting his voice to us. We didn't budge, though, but Camden gave me an insistent push towards safety. He pushed me again, but I stayed where I was.

"Hands up!" The police insisted, and finally they surrounded us. I looked helplessly at Camden, whose hands were already in the air, albeit lowly. I sighed and put my hands up as well, and the police officers walked closer to us.

The one closest to me put handcuffs around my wrists, and he pushed me roughly, "Move, you stupid machine! Move!" He yelled in my ear, and I walked with him towards where they intended to take us. Camden soon followed in a stretcher they had, and he looked towards me.

"You should have left!" He hissed. I was taken aback at his tone, and he must have noticed. "Sorry," Camden said quietly. "But you could have left."

"I know," I sighed. "I just couldn't leave you alone," I replied quietly.

"Stop talking!" The officers ordered, and they walked us towards their vehicle, which was parked on the side of the road. Trevor had somehow quieted all of the citizens, and now none of them was in the square anymore, and Trevor was gone as well.

The car drove us to a small, white building, which Trevor was standing outside of, a wicked smirk decorating his face as he watched us. I gritted my teeth together at the sight of him, and Camden stiffened beside me. "What are we doing here?" I ventured to ask.

"Shut up, cyborg. You don't have permission to speak." An officer replied roughly, yanking me out of the car seat. "Follow me and walk." I stayed put, waiting for Camden. "Walk!" He yelled, poking me with the Cridex.

I hurriedly walked inside the building, following the officers that were leading me. Trevor led the way, and we finally stopped at the doors to a room. An omnious feeling came over me, and I fidgeted with the hem of my shirt, trying not to show my nervousness.

Trevor chucked, "Nervous, are we?" He asked snidely, and I glared at him. He chuckled again. "Don't worry, Ellery," He said my name sweetly, "This won't hurt at all."

I inhaled sharply, realizing what we were here for. The surgery. Immediately, I started struggling, lashing out at the officials beside me. Managing to kick on in the shin, I whirled around after he had left go and kicked the other one as well.

He dodged, and growled, his hand gripping my hair. "Let me go!" I yelled as he glared down at me. I pushed him squarely in the chest, and he stumbled backwards but never let go.

"Be quiet and stop moving if you know what's good for you!" He threatened, and I stiffened. "Good girl," he sneered down at me.

"All right, all right, stop," Trevor commanded. "We must have the surgery soon, the room is now prepared. I have the best doctors here, finally." He looked towards me. "Escort her inside and lay her down on the operating table. There are straps that you can strap to her wrists, ankles and one around her neck if she struggles."

Another officer grabbed my other arm, and they marched me into the room. It was all white, with not other color anywhere. Everything was either white or grey, I guess trying to make it look pure. There was a single cot in the middle of the room, and there were black straps which looked very out of place.

They pushed me onto the bed, but I struggled, trying to roll off but more officals had came to block the way. I punched one in the cheek, and he cursed loudly, slapping my check in retaliation. I cupped my stinging cheek, but another official forcefully took my hand and placed it onto the side of the bed, strapping it into place with the dark fabric.

I still kicked on in the face, though, and his nose started bleeding. "Stupid cyborg," he muttered and bound my leg tightly to the table.

They wheeled another cot inside the room, and I gasped, seeing Camden lying on it. Two doctors and four other assistants strode into the room. "Why is he unconscious?" the doctor asked, prodding at Camden. I hadn't noticed from my low vantage point, but with bated breath I waited for his answer.

"He was struggling too much. We had to sedate him to ensure he was on the cot safely. The effects will wear off soon, and he will be awake just in time for the surgery," the official promised, and the doctor nodded, raising his eyebrow as he stared at Camden.

"Which is the one I am to operate on first? The sleeping one?"

Trevor strode in, shaking his head. "Yes. We have decided on making him the prototype."

"No!" I screamed, shaking my head. I couldn't let Camden turn into an unfeeling cyborg, a prototype, a trained soldier.

"Shut your mouth," Trevor snapped just as Camden opened his eyes. He looked around and gave me a questioning look, which I closed my eyes at. "He is awake. Let the operation commence!"

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