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⚠️⚠️Trigger Warning. This will contain some messed up scary shit.

     My heart drops as I glance at his gun. I stand up and look at him.

"Let's go." He nudges me. I start walking through the crowd of people as he follows closely behind. I fucking pray that someone sees me and stops me but, no one does. Once we're out of the house, in the front yard, the guy grips onto my arm harshly. He drags me to side of the house where no one can see. "You talk a lot of shit for a little girl." He smirks. He pushes me against the house and stares me down. "What the fuck should I do with you?" I stay silent and continue staring at him. "No ideas huh?" He looks me up and down then licks his lips.

"Just let me go I'm sorry." My voice breaks.

"Nah, I'm good." He mutters. "Turn around." I shake my head no and look down. "That wasn't a question."

I slowly turn around, crying silently. "Please don't."

He pushes me down and I instantly turn my body so I can see him. He squats down in front of me and smirks. "This is a pretty dress." He says, rubbing the end of my dress. "What's underneath?" He tries to slide his hand up but I push him off.

"Stop!" I shout. He raises his brows at me then quickly slaps me across the face. I grab my face, shocked.

"Listen. Either I'm going to fuck you or I'm going to beat the shit out of you."

"Beat me then." I cry. He smiles evilly and runs his hand through my hair.

"I decide that ma, not you. Maybe I'll do both."

"Fuck off!" I yell as loud as I can but, the music is too loud for anyone to hear. He puts his hand over my mouth and picks me up with the other.

"Lean again the wall." He orders me. I stay still and shake my head, so he pushes me harshly. I start to shake uncontrollably. Tears fall down my face but I can't wipe them. He slaps my ass hard and I wince. I try to move but he grips onto my tightly. He starts lifting my dress and I use all the strength I have to push him off. I turn around and start swinging but he dodges every punch. He pushes me down the the ground and gets on top of me. "Stop fighting it you stupid bitch!" He spits.

"Help!" I yell in his face. He punches me in the jaw, sending pain up my face. I cry and try to grab my face but he pins my arms down.

"You need to learn."

He punches me again, this time in the nose. "Stop please." I whimper. I cough as I feel blood running down my throat. He picks me up like a doll and throws me into the ground. He rips one of my straps off my dress and pulls down the top. He smiles to himself and grips onto my thigh, digging his nails deep into my skin. I start kicking but it's no use. He's strong. He rips my dress again, this time in the front, exposing my underwear. "Stop!" I yell so loud my lungs feel like they're about to explode. He sends another punch to my face. He puts his hands around my throat and squeezes tight. I start clawing at his hands but he doesn't move them. He takes one hand off my throat and pulls at my underwear with the other. He gets them down to the middle of my thighs, then a gunshot goes off. He stops everything completely and looks around. I hear screams and another shot.

"You're fucking lucky." He hisses at me. Before he leaves he stabs something into my leg. I cry out and grab at my leg frantically. He runs off and I quickly sit up. I try pulling my underwear up but I'm too weak. I roll into a ball and sob loudly. Why me? Why is it always me? I squeeze my eyes closed and cry. I have nothing left in me. I'm so fucking sore I can barely move. I'm going to die here. The music shuts off and I hear people leaving, some people are still screaming and talking loudly. After everything dies down I feel like drifting off to sleep but my body hurts so bad I can't. I continue crying and whimpering. I just need to gain the strength to make it to my car.

Dead Inside (Xxxtentacion fanfic. Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now