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I just wanna day pls pls go back and read thirteen if you haven't 😂 I accidentally posted fourteen before thirteen and thirteen contains A LOT OF DRAMA and you won't understand until you read it first. So anyways lol I'm big dumb. ❤️❤️.

"Ew stop Gaz." I swat at Pump as he throws seaweed at me. Dumbass lol.

"Nigga it's just grass." He chuckles.

"It's called seaweed dumbass." London laughs.

"Uh seaweed is basically wet grass dumbass." He rolls his eyes at London and I giggle under my breath. I mean he's right, right??

"Here." Isiah says as he lays down a big blanket. We all sit down and face towards the water.

"Anyone wanna share a blunt?" Purpp asks, digging through his bag. He pulls out a large tin and smiles at us, holding it up.

"Yeah I will." I reply.

"Duh." Pump says. Isiah and London shake their heads no.

Purpp pulls out a blunt and lights it up. Pump, Purpp and I all pass it around until it's gone.

"I dare you to super man it Pump." Isiah smirks. Pump smiles and looks at him.

"Really bro?"

"Do it pussssy." London teases.

"Aight bet." Pump says. He holds the roach in his mouth and inhales hard and quick, causing the roach to disappear. He starts coughing and we all lose it, laughing at him.

"Fucking creep." Purpp laughs. He wipes his eyes and I notice they're super red which causes me to laugh even harder.

"Yo your eyes are red red bro." I laugh.

"No shit." Purpp laughs with me. Eventually we all settle down and chill.

"Yo real talk hour." Pump announces. He moves his body so we're all in a circle.

"Oh god." I chuckle.

"So Kenn. How's you and X?" Pump wiggles his thick eyebrows at me and I roll my eyes.

"Haven't talked in like two weeks Pump, try again."

"Damn sorry." He mutters.

"You and Ski a thing then?" Purpp asks as he glances at his phone.

"Ugh shut the fuck up guys." I moan, burying my face in my hands. Everyone but me chuckles.

"I know what you can tell me." Isiah smirks.

"Hmm?" I smile.

"Boy or girl?" He asks.

"Neither." I laugh. "The reveal is literally tomorrow, chill." I've known the gender for a week and a half now. And London is exactly twenty weeks tomorrow. So I thought it'd be cool to do it on her official halfway mark. It's really hard keeping such a big secret from them but, I'm used to keeping secrets.

"Fine." Isiah sighs. It really makes me happy how excited he is. It's surprising but at the same time it isn't. He grew up in a broken home and he'd always tell me when his time to have a child came, he'd treat them with all the love he wished he'd gotten. He's always wanted children. I'm more surprised that's he's one hundred percent ready. I thought he wouldn't be completely ready. I thought he'd be kinda scared but he isn't. He's excited.

"I'm gonna swim." I announce. I get up and walk to the water, not waiting for anyone else. The cool water instantly relaxes me. I lay on my back and just float, looking up at the sky. I try to keep my mind blank but of course thoughts of Jahseh wander in. We haven't spoken since he told me he loved me. Not because I'm mad, because I really don't know what to say. I don't know how to act now. I've kept my feelings for him trapped in a cage and I feel as if I get any closer to him, they'll escape. And I don't want that. I'm not willing to let myself relive the pain.

"Kenna!" I hear Pump yell from the shore. I stand up and look at him.

"Yeah?" I call out.

"London's getting too hot so we gotta leave." He yells back. I sigh and make my way back to the shore.

"Alright." I smile weakly at him. We make our way back to everyone and pack up.


"Oh.. my.. GOD Kenna!" London gushes as she looks around my house. I've got it completely decked out in baby decorations.

"You like it?" I smile at her as she clings to my waist.

"I love it." She smiles back.

"I'm so glad."

Everyone around us talks quietly. We only decided on close friends and family. There's around forty people. Neither Isiah or London have much family but they got lots of friends that count as family.

"Okay guys!" I shout. Everyone turns to me excitedly. "Isiah and London come hereee." Isiah and London appear beside me and I hug them both. As I turn around I catch jahsehs gaze.

"I can't fucking wait." Isiah smiles. I smile back.

"Aight so y'all wanted ghetto." I laugh. "So follow me outside." Everyone follows me as I lead them outside. We all get settled and I can't help but laugh. I mean Isiah said he wanted a weird hood reveal. So fuck me, I did what I could. 😂. "Okay so basically shoot this target." I hand Isiah a pistol and everyone laughs and shouts.

"Fucking only Kenna." London laughs.

"I'm sorry. Now when we get to one, shoot. Got it?" I question. Isiah nods, smiling and looking back at the target. "Okay!"

Everyone counts down loudly. "Three.. Two.. One!"

There isn't a loud bang since I put a silencer on the gun. But it's loud enough to know Isiah pulled the trigger. Pink dust and glitter flys into the air and everyone loses it. Isiah screams happily as he pulls London into a hug and jumps around. As soon as he pulls away I pull her into me. Everyone exchanges hugs and congratulations. All in all, it's good vibes and an amazing time. A fucking girl! I'm beyond happy and ready to spoil this little queen.

"Hey." Jahseh approaches me as I turn away from London's parents.

"Hey." I smile.

"This was really cool of you." He smiles lightly.

"Thank you. I loved it."

Jahseh nods and scans my yard. "I'm sorry about the other day."

"Don't be Jahseh." I shrug.

"Alright... I'll see you later, okay?" Jahseh locks his sad eyes with mine. Voices in my head scream "I love you." But I ignore them and nod.


Jahseh turns around and walks off.

After an hour or so everyone leaves and I'm alone upstairs. I sit alone on my bed in the dark just thinking. After a while I come to a decision. I quickly grab my phone and keys and run down to my car. Once I get to his house, I park and jog to his door. I knock rapidly and wait.

"Hey Kenn."

"I need to talk to you."

The above pic is Kenna and London. Kenna is in the front. Also I had to edit London's eyes to make them blue since that's how I described them earlier. Pls don't hate on my editing skills I did what I could lmfao.

Dead Inside (Xxxtentacion fanfic. Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now