Damaged goods

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Looking at me you'd say I was a normal 16 year old girl. Long blonde hair, average height, slim, pretty. The only unusual thing about me I suppose is my eyes, they're a really deep purple. Unusual I know, my dad has the same eyes and straight blonde hair like me, my brothers, Hayden and Tyler, both taking after my mum with her bright green ones and her dark wavy hair.

Only I'm not normal, nothing about me is normal. Well, not since I was 14 anyway. Since then I've been different, a shell of a person.... No longer the happy, content Bree. It's all a show, a front, I'm defiantly not perfect like everyone thinks.

If they knew the real me I'm sure they would all go running. They wouldn't want to deal with the baggage I come with mentally. The only people that I have ultimate trust in is my family and my best friend.

Sighing to myself quietly I roll out of bed, standing carefully, I check the clock that reads 7.00am and then walk towards my on suit and into the shower, while mentally scanning my head for an outfit to wear. Finally deciding on my black high waisted jeans and a pale pink and grey vest top I get put wrapping a warm purple towel around me and heading towards my wardrobe to quickly change, avoiding my reflection in the mirror.

I couldn't deal with that just yet, I'd only end up in tears again, and i'd let enough of them trail down my face in the past, pushing away the memories i apply a thick layer of foundation over my face by memory. Afterwards i check in the mirror to finish the rest of my makeup and do my hair.

Looking over my reflection and checking out my now perfect, flawless face, I run my fingers through my hair and decide I'm ready to face the world again.

Putting on a fake smile I head downstairs and into the kitchen.

"morning Bree" my dad chirps from the table, while reading his newspaper, "morning dad" I reply brightly, seeing my dad always makes me feel better. He understands me better than anyone else ever has.

"here sweetie" my mother says handing me the vibrantly coloured pills, an orange one and a blue one, and a glass of water.

Smiling gratefully at her, I quickly swallow the oddly coloured pills and grab a cereal bar from the cupboard, scraping back a chair and plonking down next to my dad at the table.

"Hayden. Tyler" my mother shouts up the stairs in the hallway, quickly followed by two sets of noisy footsteps, the two of them racing down to see who will win. Just like every day.

Feeling my blackberry vibrate in my pocket, signalling the time, I stand from the table saying a quick "bye" and pecking both my parents on the cheek I turn, heading down the corridoor to the door. While walking down the driveway I check my messages, telling me the latest gossip or asking me questions. That's what you get when your queen bee, everyone wants to talk to you.

Turning the corner at the bottom of the road I rest on the sign waiting for my best friend Mia to arrive. She's the only other person, apart from my family that knows who I am truly, she sees through my facade. Mia knows what happened to me.

She's late like always, so I shove my headphones into my phone and put the buds in my ears while waiting for her. She arrives a few minutes later apologising again. "I'm sorry I'm late, I overslept" she says panting slightly, obviously having run up the road.

"it's all good, your always late" I say flashing her one of my real smiles that I reserve for those closest to me which she returns linking our arms.

We chat for the ten minute walk to school, knowing that this is the only time we'll get to actually be ourselves, no-one judging us on what we say or the way we act when no-body's around. It's my ten minutes each day that I don't have to put on a front, at school I'm the most popular girl at school and the head cheerleader, and at home I'm the confident girl who is getting over her past. Now, this ten minute gap in my busy day is the only chance I have to actually be me.

"ready?" Mia asks like she does everyday, "of course" I reply. Fake smile in place I shove open the building doors just as the bell rings. Perfect I think smiling to myself. Greeting everyone I pass I make the short walk to my home room and sit down next to one of my teammates, Addy.

"morning" she chirps beside me flicking her hair over her shoulder, always bright like usual.

Nodding in response I reply with "Ready for cheer practice?" to which she nods enthusiastically, gesturing down at her outfit. She's already wearing her cheer-leading uniform, just as she does every Wednesday and Friday. Infact most of the girls do.

"why don't you just come in your kit?" she asks curiously, to which I just shrug and reply with a lame "I dunno"

Standing when the bell rings, signalling first lesson I head off to Chemistry. What a boring lesson I think to myself as I make my way there.

Walking through the classroom door I notice that Mia is already there with her chair placed on the seat next to her. She looks off in a daze so I move her bag and sit next to her, turning around to talk to a couple of guys who are on the football team, Sam and James

"hey" I say sweetly, putting my acting skills in place like everyday. I have to act like this because that's what people expect from me.

"hey Bree" James replys smirking at me. "you coming to Denny's party Friday night?"

"Tigers having a party Friday?" I ask confused, "Rochelle hasn't said anything to me"

"oh yeah, he announced this morning" Sam says stretching is arms above his head and yawning.

"party?" Mia echoes, turning and winking at the two, finally coming out of her trance "we'll be there"


Picture of 'Bree' to the right

So let me know what you think, vote/comment/fan if you want :)

A massive Thankyou to JulesCaryle for creating this awesome cover for me.

Hope everyone reading this has a nice day/morning/evening/night whatever :)

Raychelle x

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