Cheer practice

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"Ready girls! On three. One, two, three, flip" I call out on the beats, while clapping my hands.

"well done, it's looking good" Our sports teacher praises, walking though the door and I can't help but take pride in the fact that I created this dance, this routine, this team.

Putting on my best, brightest fake smile, I turn to face the teacher, "I'm so glad you think so Mr Warren, but I didn't know that you where one for dance" I say batting my eyelids, while inwardly cringing at the fact that he looks me up and down in what almost seems to be approval. Suddenly my uniform feels a little too tight and a little too showy. Tugging on the skirt slightly I look up at him again before turning away.

"he likes you" Rochelle states as I saunter past her and back into position.

"whatever" I dismiss the fact with a wave of my hand, ewwww he's about 30. "so like, not happening" I reply. Thinking of something to change the topic a thought occurs to me, her party "so what's this I've heard about a party?" I ask running my fingers though my hair, wincing as i feel one of my scars near the back of my head.

"oh yeah, Friday night, 8 o'clock, you can stay over if you want" she replies while grinning obilivious to my expression. She is so lively yet stupid all the time. "ready Chelle?" Addy asks linking her arm through Rochelle's and saying to me "hey Bree, how are you?"

"I'm good thanks Addy, what colour you wearing on Friday?" I ask curiously. We need to discuss colours, we couldn't all turn up wearing the same colour, that couldn't happen. "I'm wearing red" Rochelle says, to which Addy replies with "okay, blue then"

"I'm wearing black" Mia shouts from the doorway where she is stood flirting with Rochelle's older brother Tiger.

"right I'll wear purple then, speak to you girlies in a bit, much love. Kiss kiss" I say blowing kisses in their directions to which they respond with dramatic catches and kisses back.

As long as us four went wearing different colours it was all good. The other cheers didn't really matter, they where the sluts in this school, the reason I act the way I do. If I didn't they'd terrorise me, just like they do to Jenny. Its better that they think of me as their leader.

After last lesson, english i walk towards the front of the school to meet Mia so we could walk home. I count how many times people say 'hey' or smile at me as I pass. The total is fifteen and I've only walked down one corridor so far.

Being head cheerleader, everyone smiles at me. Even the specials, to which I smile back, seeing as really me and them are not that much different inside, both been damaged or scarred in some way. Lifting my hand to touch my cheek I realise what im doing and look down, hurrying towards the front doors, pushing them open roughly and running towards Mia who greets me with a tight hug and pulls me away from the crowds of people. "sshhush, it's okay" she mumbles into my hair. Shaking my head I pull away and take a deep breath of air.

"I need to go home" I say, taking her hand and walking in the direction of our houses. She squeezes mine tightly and I smile in thanks. She knows that I just need someone close to me for a little while, until I can stand alone again.

"what happened this time?" Mia asks after a few quiet minutes, we where walking down a little road with only the sounds of a few passing cars.

Stopping still I say "I saw Jenny"

"as in special Jenny?" she asks raising an eyebrow "wha-" she starts to say before I cut her off.

"yeah Jenny, and I thought that actually we're not that different, she was traumatised, thats why she doesn't talk. She had her head bashed in you know." I state beginning to walk again, willing the tears not to fall anymore. It was no use, "she must have been through alot. I found out when i had to go to counciling, she was there too"

"ok-ay" Mia says, looking at me as if to say, 'carry on'

"and I just remembered, i thought of things again, the way he shoved me into that building and locked me in, the way I felt when the smoke enveloped me and the bang shook the small place, making it cave in on me" I reply quietly looking up at the sky, feeling the tears fall around my face, "I ran out and away from her before I could let myself remember more. I don't want to remember."

Saying nothing she just hugged me tightly, whispering god knows what to me, I wasnt listening, as I cried on her. Probably ruining her shirt.

After what must have been a few minutes I slowly calmed down pulling away from her and wiping my eyes, "shit, I must look a mess" I say and laugh quietly, "I'm sorry"

"don't worry about it I get it, are you okay?" she replys with a shrug, to which I nod in response.

"I'll see you later normal time" she says before walking off, looking around I realise we're at the bottom of my road. Walking quickly I walk up the road and my drive, silently thanking god that we lived on a road of old people and that they never go out very often so no-body but Mia saw me break down. That really would ruin my reputation, I can't have people seeing through my front. To them I'm the popular, cheerleader Bree. No need for them to think otherwise.


Let me know what you think. Constructive and critical comments much appreciated, and of course, fan/vote if you like :)

Raychelle x

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