You don't know me

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At last it was Friday, the last day of the week and I couldn't wait for the weekend. Resting on the road sign I look up to the sound of someone clearing their throat a few feet away, glancing up I'm met with Mia's face.

She was early for once, but her face was filled with worry. Confused I raise an eyebrow at her, and she gives me a forced smile in return. She's acting completely put of character, normally shes lively and bright. Today she just looks gloomy.

"hey" she mumbles looking down at the pavement avoiding eye contact. Frowning I walk quicker, stopping directly in front of her and causing her to bump into me.

"Mia what's wrong?" I ask taking one of her hands, flinching when she pulled away as if she'd just been scolded by fire.

"leave me alone, okay?" she says coldly before storming off in front of me. Feeling hurt I watch as she walks away, before hitching my bag higher on to my shoulder and continuing to school alone.

I finally arrive at school, the 10 minute walk seeming like it took much longer today, as my thoughts had been filled with questions from both that phone call last night and Mia's behaviour. As I stepped through the front door the bell rang, knocking me from my musings and reminding me that I'd forgotten to change my persona to the cheerleader who doesn't care.

Managing a smile as I pass Rochelle and Addy while on my way to the lockers, I feel relieved when they smile back. When I get to my locker I grab my books for the next lesson and head to my home room, smiling at a new guy who takes a seat next to me, running a hand through his ruffled hair.

"hey I'm Cory, probably the hottest guy here" he states winking at me,

frowning in distaste I reply with "pfft, you haven't seen the guys here yet"

"I doubt it" he says cockily "I didn't catch your name"

"I didn't throw it at you" i reply smirking. I hate this type of guy.

I watch in amusement as his face drops slightly, obviously attempting to think of a comeback. When the bell rang signalling lessons I stood up quickly, picking up my biology book and turning away just as he asked, "you not gonna show me to biology 'doll face?'"

Glancing at the teacher, who was looking at me expectantly I sighed "come on then"

After a few moments of quiet, as he looked down the hallways he spoke up "I didn't picture you as the type who went to class"

I was begining to get annoyed and I wasnt even sure why, I suppose his comment hit home a little, frowning I said "don't judge on appearances" luckily the teacher was already here and so he let us straight in, and I sat in my usual seat on the second row, between Rochelle and Jamie. To my distaste Cory sat next to Jamie, quickly striking up a convocation and by the end of the lesson it was clear that they got on well.

Leaving the class with Rochelle she reminded me about the party tonight, "oh yeah, what time is that?" I ask, having completely forgotten.

"around 9" she said before changing the subject to the new guy "so what do you think of Cory, pretty cute right?"

"yeah, but a big headed nob" I reply, sensing that someone is stood close behind, I flick my ponytail back, struggling not to laugh when I hear an ouch from behind.

Turning to see who I had whacked in the face I burst out laughing when I saw Cory. "ever heard of personal space" I state while smoothing my hair.

"whatever" he mumbles before adding a bit louder "so 'doll face' where to next?"

"cheerleading for me" I say taking his timetable and telling him "your on break, just go outside and the guys will be out there"

"so your a nerdy cheerleader?" he asks looking confused but smirking at the same time "since when do they exist"

"are you judging me" I ask annoyed, just because I went to lessons didn't mean I was a nerd, it just ment that I actually wanted to pass this year. I was already a year older than the rest of them.

"yes, I know your general type of girl. I just don't get why your different" he replies grinning to himself.

"you don't know me, don't you dare think you can judge me" I say while gritting my teeth, what does it matter to him. Turning away I walk towards the changing rooms and let the door bang loudly behind me.

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