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This day just got better and better, I think as I watch Mia rush off at the end of school purposefully. She had been ignoring me all day.

I let out a sigh as the douche, as I've renamed him, passed by me bashing my side as he went. I'd have shouted at him but I just couldn't be bothered today.

"Oi, mind where your going" A loud voice shouted behind me and I grinned, trust Jamie to make me feel better. Cory stopped and whirled around to face me and Jamie with a glint in his eye.

"Jamie" Cory greeted him with a nod, and Jamie returned one back saying "Careful where you walk"

"Thankyou" I mumbled quietly, about to walk away from him when he pulled me back by my bag strap.

"What's up?" He questioned in a serious tone, looking down at me. Even with heels on I was still quite small.

"nothing, I'm fine" I said smiling at him, I'd known Jamie since i was little. We went to first school together, i was year four and he was in year three, but both classes got mushed together. He had asked me to marry him, to which I had replied by saying 'no because your younger than me' It was true, he is younger than me. One year, 3 months and 10 days. I doubt he remembers.

"You don't look fine, what you thinking about?" he asks, drawing me out of my slight daze and I look around to notice that the corridor is empty.

"Nothing" I reply and take his hand "let's go, I fancy a Costa"

Jamie PoV

"I'll get them, go find us a table" I say nodding at a cosy table not too far away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2013 ⏰

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