Movie time

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Ding dong

The doorbell sounds and I skip towards it, already knowing who it was "you don't have to ring the doorbell silly" I say as I open the door and step back to let her through.

"yeah but id feel weird just walking in" Mia replys throwing her pillow at me. She always insists on bringing her pillow with her. Don't ask me why, it's just a weird thing that she does I guess.

"the popcorn and sweets are ready, what we watching?"I ask plopping down on to the sofa and crossing my legs, looking at Mia who was scanning the DvD cabinet with interest, "woman in black?" she asks i nod in agreement and she walks towrads the tv, inserting the disk before jumping onto the sofa on top of me. "ouch" I grumble "your getting heavy" I tease, prodding her stomach and laughing at her pouty face.

As soon as the movie started we both fell silent watching intently.


As soon as the movie started we both fell silent and I reached for the popcorn munching on it quietly to begin with, then noisily to irritate Bree. Crunching a piece loudly I watch in amusement as she turns to me frowning and pushing my mouth closed with her hands "shut it" she whispers, pointing at me 'threateningly' struggling not to laugh at her rubbish attempt and being threatening I turn back to the movie, continuing to munch on the popcorn happily.

As soon as a mildly jumpy part happened she jumped about a foot in the air clinging to my arm. Rolling my eyes, I patted her head as if she were a dog. She still release my arm from her iron grip.

About 40 minutes into the movie I decided that it would be a good idea to try to make Bree eat popcorn, knowing that she'd pull a funny face, and maybe let go of me, my arms was seriously starting to hurt from the way her short, yet painfull nails kept digging into my arm at every slightly scary part. Sheesh she's such a wuss.

"open your gob" I whisper in her ear, to which she complies opening her mouth about halfway, her eyes glazed over andlooking a bit like a zombie. Sensing my opportunity I quickly stuff a piece in her mouth watching her expression change to one of disgust when she realised what it was. "ewwwwwww" she complains but giggles at the same time, finally letting go of my arm "why would you put that crap in my mouth?"

Bree POV

As soon as the credits rolled I glanced at Mia quickly, frowning when I realised that the film hadn't even scared her while I was quite terifyed. I'd spent most of the movie clinging to her arm as if it would protect me. I knew it wouldn't but it made me feel a little better anyway.

Yawning Mia smiles at me before checking the time on her phone, lazy girl couldn't even be bothered to read the clock next to the tv. "I'll see you tomorrow" she says and I nod tiredly walking her to the door and hugging her bye. Watching as she walked down the drive I closed the door behind her and decided to go and have a shower before collapsing in bed, I needed an early night.

Blinking tiredly I turned over to check the time, absentmindedly running my index finger over the scar on my stomache. 7.10 am I need to get up.

Completing my morning routine I once again find myself leaning against the road sign waiting for Mia to arrive, once again she's late. I don't think she's ever been early to anything in her life before. Still there's a first for everything, today is just not the day.

"hey, how are you?" I ask cheerily, in a good mood, she looks at me cautiously as if checking to see if I was faking or not. Seeming happy she links our arms and replies "I'm good thanks, it's Friday tomorrow!" she cheers.

Our walk to school was quick, as was the rest of the day and I spent my evening doing my English essay.

"hey Bree" my sister Anna says as she passes my room "phones for you"

"thanks" I say smiling at her and picking up the house phone from its stand


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