Chapter 4

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Aiden's POV

It may have been a bit early, but Aiden searched the courtyard anyway. Frantically, Desperately, hurriedly. She wasn't there. He raked a hand through his hair. He was worried? Hell yeah he was worried! She wasn't here! She said she'd be here. Where was she. she drove to school right? She didn't walk by bums usually? Strangers? MEN??

Aiden took a deep breath and then let it out. he need to calm down. breathe. She was fine. he'd gotten her home safely. Explained what they'd agred to her older sister, who seemed to be the only one home, and he'd stayed over until she fallen asleep, which was pretty late considering she burst out into hysterics a few more times.

And the only thing that seemed to calm her down was Aiden holding her, not her sister, Aiden. He didn't mind really he was just a little weirded out by the fact that he liked it. When he was watching her sit there dazed, as if she'd been hypnotized he was pissed at her. Since when did she let what he said get to her? And why did she have to pick tonight of all nights to do it. And why was she so damn oblivious? The man had been staring ALL night. She's just so dumb so time.

But then she'd jolt forward like she'd just been electrocuted or something. She'd look around like she was confused and then this sudden look of horror would settle on her face before her lip started to quiver. Soon after she was in tears and in his arms. Him shushing her and reassuring her that everything was okay. And everything felt okay when they were like that.

To him at least.

Back as the whole thing was happening, Aiden thought she was unbelievably strong. And in a way she was. she held it together completely when she had to. Only falling apart when she'd saved herself. That was amazing in so many different ways and Aiden couldn't even lie and say he didn't admire her for it.

After hours of that occurring over and over again, Stella had finally fallen asleep. Aiden called Keith to pick him up and he stayed over his house barely sleeping and worrying crazily.

Kinda like he was doing in the courtyard Waiting for Stella.

Ten minutes later Aiden had internally lost it. His mind was reeling so many crazy possibilities that his body had went completely immobile with dread. He was just about to call for the sixth time when a small blonde figure with red cheeks and redder eyes caught his eye. Something inside him softened.

He closed the distance between him and Stella quickly. She was moving too slow for his taste at the moment.

"7:30 means 7:30 Stella. I was worried sick." He didn't think his voice was too harsh but stern enough, but judging by her quivering lip he was wrong. That part inside him that'd softened just turned to complete mush.

"I'm sorry." she swatted away an escaping tear. "I just got a little side tracked is all." Her voice shook and more tears fell.

"It's okay!" He jumped in quickly. Then continued making a point to lower his voice. "it's okay, just please no more crying."

She nodded and pushed the last of her tears off her cheeks, looking away embarrassed. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, she seemed to melt into his side. Her head rested on his cheek as he guided her to one of the stone benches on the edge of the courtyard. There was still ten minutes before class started and Aiden intended on using every minute of it.

They sat down slowly. Stella scooted away from him with a thin line of blush caressing her cheeks.

"I want to talk to you." He started cautiously.

She quickly nodded. "Me too."  

She sighed took a long deep breath and sighed again. " Could you maybe not tell anyone about what happened last night. Any of it?"

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