*-Chapter Four-*

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Jerome opened his eyes ready for the big day ahead of him. Apparently someone said it was a good idea to say that there would be school today on a Saturday. "Why can't I just sleep in?" Jerome asked out loud. Jerome yawned and got out of bed, heading towards the bathroom where any other boy would take their business.

On the other hand, Mitch was already at school. Brushed his teeth, have energy unlike some people already at the school. (The whole football team and their cheerleaders.) Mitch smiled and put in his mouth guard, ready for the team practice that was today. Mitch then grabbed his helmet off the bench that was in the lockers room and headed out, thinking if Jerome will even come to the game today.

Jerome, for his lazyness, he went out of the bathroom and plop right back on the bed. "Do I still have a crush on Mitch?" Jerome asked once out loud again. Jerome smiled and felt his face heat up from just thinking about the Canadian. His perfect white set of teeth, the way his hair rest on his head, slightly covering his eye every once in a while, and the most perfect thing on the Canadian.. his eyes. The caramel eyes that will make every girl screamed when he walks down the hallway. Jerome shook his head, shaking the thought from Mitch. "Stop it Jerome." Jerome mumbled to himself, "Just stop." Jerome raised up from the bed, looking around the room until the thought came to his mind, school. "Shit." Jerome got up fast from the bed, heading downstairs and tossing on whatever clothes he could find. A plain black shirt and some blue jeans. Great? Jerome then went into the kitchen grabbing a Dr Pepper and walking out the door, starting his walk to school.

With Mitch breathing heavily and sweat dripping from his forehead, he finished his practice and was ready to start his actually day for school. Mitch went into the boy's locker room, stripping down to nothing and getting into the shower, rising off the stink and replacing it with good smelling scents.

Mitch got out of the shower, having fresh clothes on and walking out of the lockers, to go to his first class of the day. Sadly he didn't have Jerome in it, but he did have him in 7th period.. the end of the day. Mitch sighed while just thinking of Jerome. He wanted Jerome, he wanted Jerome to be his. 'Mitch knock out of it! He will never like you.' Mitch hanged his head low, not wanting attention from anybody, but being the captain of the football team, it was hard. 'Why can't I just be normal? Sometimes I don't even like being popular.' Mitch said, lost in his thoughts. Soon Mitch didn't know where he was going and was too busy in his thoughts. He bumped into someone. "Great, just great." Said the mysterious voice. Mitch looked over, seeing the person that had just fallen down by him. "I-I'm so sorry! Let me help." Mitch said, getting down on the ground and helping the mysterious person. The mysterious person then looked up and dropped what they had in their hands. "A-Are you the captain of the football team?!" The person said a little quietly, but almost end up yelling it. Mitch frozed.'Oh shit!' The person in front of him was the last person he wanted to be with. Jessica. The girl that had a crush on him since, ever. Jessica here always wanted to be Mitch's girlfriend. Always wanted to be beside him twenty four-seven. Always gets what see wants because of her rich daddy~
"Yes you are!" No way getting out of this now. 'Jerome please come to get me.' Mitch pleaded in his head. "Yeah, I am." Jessica got up and did a little victory dance. Which in Mitch's opinion looks like something off of the Muppets that needs a doctor. "I always wanted to meet you!" 'Now go away bitch.' Said Mitch in his head, but rather not say it. "Great day for you. But now I need to go to my class." Jessica didn't take that as an answer. "No! I-I mean, don't you wanna hang out with me more?" 'Really bitch? Rather Jerome than you.' Mitch said once again in his head. "There you are Mitch!" Mitch begging has been answered. Jerome came up, jogging just to get next to the older teen. "And who are you?" Asked Jessica, crossing her arms across her chest and making a really unattractive face. "I'm his-" Mitch did the unthinkable and cut Jerome off by saying, "Boyfriend! He is my boyfriend." Mitch put his arm around Jerome and brought him closer to him. "So the captain of the football team is gay? And rather have a unpopular boyfriend as his lover?" Jessica was starting to get a little pissed off at this. She accepted gays, but not if the gay is her crush.

Before Mitch could say anything. The bell has rung. Save by the bell. Mitch smiled down at Jessica, "Love to chat, but I gotta drop my boyfriend off to class." Mitch walked down the hall, with Jerome still right beside him. They both not even caring if some disgusted faces was made while they walked by.

Then there's Jerome.. blushing so much that he can't hide it.

Hey Cubs! I finally updated! Yay! But I am doing soooo much better in classes. I have a 69 in Science. Here goes the 69 jokes ._.
And some more grades I can't think of XD
I am doing somewhat much better though. I guess that's all for today. Sorry for the lack of updates. 8th grade is harder than I thought.
Show me some love, comment if you wanna, vote if you wanna, hell even follow me if you wanna. See ya later Cubs, stay cool!
Need more words XD

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