*-Chapter Eleven-*

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Jerome bit his lip, ready to cuss her out at any given moment. "Listen Jessica, I'm n-" Jessica put up a hand in front of Mitch's face, telling him to be silent. "I-I know. I never really liked you though. I don't care if you think I'm lying, but... I'm not straight, I'm a lesbian. I really never cared for you." Mitch smiled a little. Mitch does believe. She wouldn't have the gut to do that to anybody else. He knows Jessica all too well. A slight memory I forgot to tell you.

"Mitchell Hughes, you will be paired up with.." the teacher looked down at her clipboard she had. "Jessica King." (Not her last name, too lazy to look up her last name -_-) Mitch smiled and looked over at Jessica. Her a shy girl. In her black frame glasses, wearing just a random T-shirt and blue jeans. What any normal teenage girl should wear. Mitch walked over to Jessica and sat down across from her. "You must be Jessica? I'm Mitch!" Jessica smiled slightly and looked up at Mitch, "H-Hi! I am Jessica.." Mitch smiled at Jessica, "Ready to get working on the project?" Mitch asked Jessica. Jessica looked up at Mitch and pushed her glasses closer to her, "Yes please!" Jessica said with a little excitement. Mitch lightly chuckled and smiled once more at Jessica. "Ok then, let's do this!"

"I do believe you Jessica." Said Mitch, him getting out of the booth and hugs Jessica. Jessica lightly blushed from this. Of course she doesn't like Mitch, or men in general, but this still made her blush. Mitch let go and smiled down at her. "Here," Mitch grab something out of his pocket and gave it to her. Jessica widen her eyes. "M-My glasses.." Jessica reached over and got her glasses from Mitch's hand. "H-How did you-" Mitch cut her off. "Remember? I work in the office, I found them in the lost and found." Jessica smiled and felt like tearing up. Jessica tightly hugged Mitch again and backed away from then backed away from the hug. "I-I'm just going to take these contacts out and put in these, thanks Mitch." She turned around and went into the girl's bathroom in McDonalds. "Mitch?" For Mitch sounding like a terrible person, he forgot that Jerome was there. Mitch turned towards Jerome. "Yes?" Jerome lightly was biting his lip. "Do-Do you like her?" Mitch quickly shook his head and went to hug Jerome. "No Jerome, I don't. I love you and only you." Jerome blushed and hugged his wonderful boyfriend back. "Aww, you two are so cute together!" Mitch jumped and stopped hugging Jerome. Mitch turning around and seeing Jessica there. In her glasses instead of those stupid contacts. With Jerome blushing and Mitch lightly blushing they both said thanks in unison. Jessica smiled, "Ready to go?" She asked. Mitch raised an eyebrow and Jerome tilted his head. "Go where?" Jessica smirked, "To have some fun together." Mitch widen his eyes. Jessica laughed at Mitch, "Not like that! Dirty minded much?" Mitch smiled and turned to Jerome. "Come on, let's follow Jess." Jerome nodded his head and grabbed his smoothie that was on the table and brought it with him. "Ready Jessica." Said Mitch. They soon all went out. Jessica getting into the car with them since she didn't bring a car here. "Follow my directions, ok?" Said Jessica. Mitch nodded his head and soon followed Jessica's directions that was given to him. They soon was at a place that Jessica and Mitch only knew.

Hey Cubs! I know I know... Mitch has a dirty mind.. XD
And he played that awful prank on Jerome! ;-;
Weeeelll! Anyway Cubs! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! I know I did! Show me some love, comment if you wanna, vote if you wanna, hell even follow me if you wanna! See ya later Cubs, stay cool!
Forever and always!
I would leave it at 666 but idk though. Great! Not even even yet! Now it is! Fuck! Fuck this even shit! t(-_-t)

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