Grand Children

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"So young Avatar if you have any questions I suggest we do it around any other people important to you." I say and raise my hands above my head to pick up Shiva. "That way they can also have their questions answered," I explain bending down to put Shiva on the ground. I pet her little head and she runs out of the room. Silly little girl.

"Um, yes I do. It's also the perfect excuse to invite my friends over!" she yells jumping a little in excitement. I chuckle and grab my clothes from the edge of the pool. I should change into something better than these clothes I have warn for years. 

"I would love to meet them," I say and korra blushes looking at me. I frown a bit though. I have to meet the avatars friends, again. Not her friends specifically, but in general. I can't start thinking like this right now, it is selfish.

"Really!" Korra says and smiles wide. I nod and begin to walk out of the room. I should clean up a bit before I meet her friends. I make a motion for Korra to follow me as I walk out of the door and she follows. 

"Would dinner be a good time?" Korra asks looking up slightly thinking I believe. Dinner, that could be a good time if it works for her. I walk to my room entering seeing Shiva curled up on one of my beds pillows. 

"Yes, whenever you want Avatar Korra." I say and place my clothes on the end of the old styled bed. "It's is all up to you," I say and turn to her showing a small smile. I will have to get dressed and clean things up a bit if your friends will be coming over," say gesture to the door.

Korra nods and turns to walk out of the door. "Oh, yeah. If you need anything I will be out in the courtyard and Tenzin will be in his office," she says waving as she walks out of my doorway. I nod as she waves back at me before she makes it out the door completely. Not a second later I hear hear run down the hall and door the stairs.

"That's adorable," I say and run a hand through my hair. I should actually bathe and get dressed for tonight. Cleaning this place should not take that long and I absolutely have to get that done today so that I can stay here. This place looks amazing when clean. Also I can see Korra and me hanging out a lot here in the future. Aang and me did all the time.

I need to get on task, I will worry about other stuff later. I lightly pat Shiva's head and she stirs a little looking up at me tiredly. "I will be in the bath if you need me okay?" I ask and see nods placing her head back down on my pillow. I turn out of the room and head to the bath. 

*(*(*( After Cleaning And Getting Dressed )*)*)*

I walk down my spiraling stairs heading to the open balcony and stop before getting too close. The curtains cover my view of what the city looks like now. I don't want to see it yet, it will make me... sad. I don't want to fully feel that yet. I turn away from it and walk to the sofa in the room.

I gently sit on the sofa and lean back looking up at my ceiling. I chose to where something a bit formal for dinner with the avatar and her friends. I want to be respectful, I am a guest I guess? I mean I did live here before all of them and still do.

I am wearing a long sleeved beige/orange robe that runs down to my knees, along with a dark orange/red scarf hang around my neck.

Over the top half of my robe I have a red/Dark orange vest and a brown belt wrapped around my waist a few times. Little pieces of ripped cloth are hanging gently off it. There is a slit down the middle of my robe that opens, there is a dark orange cloth that runs down the middle slightly longer than the robe. I picked rust coloured pants and brown boots that end at ¾ up my leg under the knee.

I's is traditional, I've worn it for my events in the past. One being Aang's and Katara's wedding and another being when we held a ceremony for the fallen of the air temples. I shake my head getting rid of my darkening thoughts. I should head down and see if they need any help making dinner or anything. They should not do anything big just for me. 

I push myself off the sofa and stand smoothing out my robe. Now where is Shiva? "Shiva," I call and I hear the sound of her claws scrap the floor. I see her at the top of my stairs and her wrings spread jumping onto the rail before gliding over to me. She lands on my shoulder and rubs into my head. "Good girl," I praise and open my door, walking though.

"We are going to go eat know," I say do her and she makes a sound of approval. "We both have to behave ok? You can not run off yet," I say and close the door behind myself. "We don't want to cause any trouble for the young avatar," I tell her and shiva makes no sound so I turn and see she is looking around. She must be remembering what is going on.

I make my way to the dinner hall trying to avoid people. I just don't want to be recognized yet. I just want to help out the avatar right now, not get confronted by people. I just want to help out the avatar right now, not get confronted by people. My thoughts are stopped when I see Yuni standing next to The boys with the red scarf who helped me.

They seem close, in what way I don't know but they seem really comfortable next to each other. That is nice to see her connect to someone like that. I take a different way and make it to the dinner hall. I spy Korra chatting with a girl with a girl of the same age as her. I realise the breath that I didn't know I was holding and make my presence known.

"Avatar Korra," I greet her and she smiles my way and waves. Her friend also turns my way and she smiles also. Out of know where I see the three children from earlier jump out from behind them and two of them take me to the ground. I hear Shiva Screech in my ear and fire burst out of her mouth. Shit they surprised her. Shiva Flies off me of me and onto a wooden pillar about us.

The kids laugh and I look down at them a little mad but i'm not going to show it. "What was that for? you scared my dragon," I say looking down at the two kids still on me. The little boy and the younger girl on me just smile and the boy jumps off of me.

"I'll catch your dragon for you Mr. Sleepy man!" the boy yells and I see Shiva panic and fly off into another hallway. These kids are definitely grand children of Aang. Holy wow, these kids are trouble. That or I haven't been around kids in a while, which I have been. They are as rambunctious as the airbender kids two avatars ago.  

"No Kid-" I go to get up but I remember I can't just jump up because of the kid still on me. "Could you please get off-" I am interrupted by the girl as she starts yelling questions.

"Mr. How are you still alive?! What are you?! Why and how do you have a dragon?!" The kid yells and I smile nervously. I am getting annoyed but I can keep calm. I take a deep breath in and out cooling down. Luckily before she was no doubt going to as more Korra and her friend walk over. Thank the spirits.

"Ikki, please get off of Nakusu," Korra says laughing. The other girl also starts chuckling too and holds onto Korra's arm to stop her from falling. "Asami will take you to help find the dragon okay? She could use the help," Korra says and the girl on me, Ikki gets off of me grabbing Korra friend Asami's hand.

"We have a mission! Find the dragon! Let's go!" Ikki yells and pulls Asami the same way Shiva and the other kid went. I look in the direction they are going and see Asami look back at Korra with a little glare. That's funny. They leave to room and I stand wiping off my clothes. 

{I made this chapter longer to make up for the time between the last chapter I hope all of you enjoy this chapter. Feel free to share your thoughts and feelings.}

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