Have you ever got that tingly feeling feeling in your chest. Like it's not good but you don't know why it's happening
I get them when I have panic attacks or my depression is too much
I have the tingle feeling right now. It's not a panic attack though, my panic attacks feel like someone is pushing down on my chest or lik my lungs are slowly filling up.It's like someone's suffocating me,and I don't really know what to do.
But it's not that feeling
It's the depression showing
Lately I've been feeling down,but it's because I'm overthinking
My thoughts take over and Im starting to feel like I'm drowning again but not in anxiety in a black smog that I can't control that hole I keep falling in and never seem to get back out of until I get help. I sit in the hole that I dug with my thoughts and I wait till someone drops a ladder down for me
But sometimes people don't even realise I'm in the hole,they don't do anything. And since they don't notice,I end up staying in that hole for a while
I have to get myself out. That's the worst one, because it takes a long timeI have two people who've stopped me from falling back into the hole
The first one is my best friend. Let's call her lily. I've only known her for a year and a but but it feels like I've known her from birth
We help eachother out with this stuff we call it the emotion talk not a creative name but it works
The other person is my boyfriend. We took it slow at first didn't even wait a month to kiss him or to say I love you. You know when you get the feeling of this will be good he brings me that. I call him my happiness he means so much to me but sometimes he's the reason I'm sad but then he cheers me up. Let's me ramble let's me rant. He's greatI've been seeing this person for my thoughts hoping she could help
She didn't
I disagreed with most of the stuff she said
But since she's a stranger I carried on
And I don't regret that because it's her job
thoughts and feelings
Poetrygetting lost when watching clouds. my thoughts and feelings when I'm lying down