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---Fell's POV----

I tensed as the seemingly familiar man released the safety catch on the gun.

So sooner than the click had sounded the person hidden in the darkness jumped out and sprinted in front of the guy, Dust?

As soon as his face came visible my soul dropped.

I instantly recognised him.

And that's when the flashbacks started.

*flashback start*

It was a normal day at school. An average Thursday. I never really liked school, didn't see the point in it really. I never focused or payed attention, I was forever in trouble with the teachers and had been excluded several times.

I always went round with my best friend Ãęøłñbçß!. (Doki Doki Literature Club anyone?) Unlike me he loved school, straight A student, was great at everything except P.E. he hates that stuff, he was more into science and maths.

In fact, science was his favourite subject. He could never shut up about it. Science this and science that. It was annoying, but I tolerated it because he was my best friend.

He was forever doing all my homework, and you know what's weird? He did it because he wanted too! Not because I made him or anything, he would just call me up when I'm at home saying "Hey can I do your homework?" And obviously I wouldn't say no, and then he'd come round and we'd hang out.

The problem was with Rśfå¥ęçį, was that because he was a nerd, he got bullied twenty four seven. So it was always up to me to 'protect' him from any bullies.

We used to have a saying, 'It's you and me, against the world'. That's what we'd say to each other when we felt we were in need of comfort. Cheesy right? But hey, it helped.

I had quite a high reputation at school so most of the time people left him alone. But on the days I wasn't in school he would get ruthlessly bullied and teased, to the point of him having to go to hospital once.

The idiots had broken his ribs one day when they'd jumped him on his way home from school. He was in hospital for three weeks after that.

I was so mad at them that I had taken them all on by myself. I broke my arm in the process but also injured several of the bully gang. That action got me excluded from school for two weeks.

Luckily the bullies didn't bother Çjúłqęüd while I was away, but he had spent the whole time flinching at any sudden movements towards him. He's stayed like that ever since.

Once I went to grab a book from a shelf next to him when we were in the library and he cowered like I was about to hit him.

Of course I got mad, at the bullies of course, not him. But he insisted that he was fine and that it was nothing. I let it go, only because he seemed desperate for me not to do anything about it.

I remember one time he didn't come into school, I texted him but he never responded. Obviously I got worried and skipped the last lesson to go check on him.

He didn't answer the door so, being the great friend that I am, broke in by picking the back door lock. I found him sat in his room staring blankly out to space and clutching his hand.

Turns out he was cornered by the same bully gang on his way to school and they had managed to crack his wrist. He never actually never got it fixed and he was left with a spiderweb scar on his wrist.

Anyways, one day we were in school when we saw this new kid getting bullied. He was a small guy. A skeleton, like us.

The gang that normally bullied Štęmłpø had cornered him by the lockers and were taunting him, one of them had his school books, the other had his bag.

"He looks so pathetic!" One of them jeered, shoving the small skeleton so that he hit the lockers and collapsed onto the floor. Another one stepped forwards and kicked him. All of them laughing as he cried out in pain.

We weren't going to let them just do that. "HEY!" I called out. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!"

They slowly turned to look at me, grins growing on their faces as they locked eyes with me and źçÆübłį. What would we be able to do against them?

Luckily for us the bell for class rang before they could do anything and students and teachers flooded the corridors. The bullies made sure that their threats hit home before leaving, dropping the skeletons stuff all over the floor.

Šqęłñbç ran and started collecting all his stuff while I rushed over to see if the small skeleton was okay. His bones were scraped and battered but otherwise he seemed okay.

We immediately rushed him to the nurse and got him cleaned up. But when it was time to leave for lesson he didn't want to. He was too scared. We both felt so sorry for him. He only joined our school last week.

To make him feel better we told him that he could hang out with us at break and lunch. I remember his face lighting up with happiness at our offer, immediately accepting.

We quickly all became best friends and we always went round in a little gang. He was called Blue. A fitting name for the small skeleton. The bullies didn't bother us as much and we all looked out for each other.

We had stayed close right till the end of school. Then we went our separate ways. Blue went to join the police force, it had been his dream for a while now. I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life, I didn't do university or college, I simply went off to live with my brother. Heh, what a good idea that was.

I kept in touch with both Blue and ßæįtñłœ but after a year I hadn't heard much from Blue. All I knew was that he had made into the police force, after that we lost touch.

I would still occasionally talk to ãŷrtçßwq and meet up with him, but he started to change. He'd be acting weird lately, often spacing out and stuff. I often caught him talking to himself.

Apparently he'd been working on some great project something that would help change the world as we knew it. But the task just drove him to insanity.

He lost all tracks of logical thinking and didn't understand simple things anymore. It kind of scared me to see him like that.





*flashback over*


The man didn't seem to care about Blues sudden entrance and continued to point the gun at the two of them, Blue was standing in front of Dust, protecting him....

The man laughed. "If you think that's going to stop me then your wrong."

Then he pulled the trigger.

And without thinking I ran and jumped in front.



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