Chapter 5

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You got me waiting, but your mind is made up. Just let it go and show me what you're made of~

Kevin pov:

We walked around the shops downtown aimlessly for about 30 minutes. My stomach made a loud growl and I felt miserable.

"Hungry?" Alix asked not even looking at me.

"Yes, very" I groaned.

"Well... come on then!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me to a small burger shop on the corner of the street.

It was decent looking, and I had never actually ate there, but I could eat anything right now.

I shuddered as I realized that Alix was practically holding my hand, and I felt his grip get tighter as we entered.

A few girls who were seated at a booth giggled at us. I swear I heard one say "how cute!"

Alix looked over at me and I knew he heard it too.

He had a slight pink tint to his cheeks and smiled a little "you heard that?"

I just nodded and tried to mentally shoo away the butterflies in my stomach.

The man by the door grabbed two menus and directed us to our booth.

We put in our drink orders and asked for a minute to decide what to get.

I heard a gasp come from the girls' table.

Alix put his hand on top of mine on the table when she headed over.

His warm hand sent chills through my body.

"Wait, aren't you guys in that one band? Ghost Town, I think?" Oh lovely.

"Why yes, we are." Alix said.

We introduced ourselves and she asked "Can I get pictures with you guys? My sister will totally freak about this!" She sounded a bit too excited.

So we took a few photos and she was on her way.

"Nice to know that some people recognize us, I guess."

It was a weird concept for me still. I wasn't quite used to people noticing me before, but now that we've grown as a band, more people will approach me now. It's actually pretty cool.

We placed our orders, both burgers, and they came out quickly.

Maybe I should come here more often, I thought to myself.

"Wow, this burger is amazing" I said as I took my second bite.

"I could tell." He chuckled a bit.

"you've got a little something on your face... here, let me-" and he grazed my cheek gently with his thumb.

I looked down the whole time, and I could feel his eyes on me.

I snuck a quick look up at him and he had a small smile spread across his face.

He cupped the right side of my face and stayed like that for a minute too long, just to where it was unsettling.

I cleared my throat trying to get out of this awkward situation. It worked perfectly and he immediately snapped out of his slight trance.

He looked disappointed, but maybe it was just my mind wanting him to seem that way.

He laughed it off and covered his face with his hands for a moment. Was he... blushing?

"Ohhhh-kay.." He said slowly. And with that we paid and were on our way.

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