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[Vkook] [Fluff] [1.5K Words]

Jungkook is an omega, Taehyung is an alpha. Their relationship kinda go against the common stereotype. Kinda.

Warning : Smut

Note : This is Bottom!Tae, I swear.


"Sweetheart, hey – listen to me, okay?"

Jungkook scrunches his eyes shut and then slowly shook his head – keeping his head low, refusing eye-contact. And it's probably dangerous, to so blatantly disobey an alpha, but since it's Taehyung he figured it'd be fine. "No," he says , voice small, "No, Tae, I don't – I don't want this. I told you I wasn't ready."

A soft sigh resounded within the room, and Jungkook wondered if the alpha was disappointed, but then Taehyung reaches out to cup his face, slowly lifting his chin so that they'd be staring eye to eye. "Petal," he calls, voice albeit too alluring for comfort, "I won't hurt you. Don't you trust me?"

Jungkook gulped, almost feeling guilty, because Taehyung's eyes looked so sad – as if he was hurt, and Jungkook didn't want that; didn't want to hurt his mate, but at the same time he's just too fucking afraid.

"Tae, it – it isn't that, you know –" he stumbled over his words, feeling like a klutz as he does so, "I trust you, of course I do, but –"

The alpha furrowed his eyebrows, lips pouting, "If there's a 'but' then you don't trust me."

Jungkook doesn't reply to that – he couldn't; Taehyung's always been good at leaving people speechless, Jungkook had learned first hand. "It's not – I didn't –"

Taehyung shushes him with a soft kiss, "Jungkook-ah," he whispers into the kiss, eyes half-lidded as his fingers started to slip under Jungkook's shirt, "Pretty please?"

And that – Taehyung being all enticing and irresistible – is fucking unfair. Jungkook is the omega, he should be the pretty one, so why isn't he? "Fuck," Jungkook cusses under his breath, gritting his teeth just a bit, and then says "Fine," – even though he knew he wouldn't like it, and even though he knew it would hurt – "Fine, do what you want."

Something like a sparkle lit up within Taehyung's eyes, and just the mere sight of it made Jungkook believe that it would all be worth it – because Taehyung's happiness is the one and only thing that ever mattered to him.

"Trust me," Taehyung says slowly, trying to assure him one last time, "It's not as bad as you think."

Jungkook chuckled – he doesn't believe his boyfriend for even a bit, because that wasn't fucking possible. He's never had a guy fucked him on the ass before, so he's sure as hell it'd hurt when it happens, but he doesn't voice his opinion because he knew it'd ruin Taehyung's pretty, pretty smile. Instead, he nodded and follows along as Taehyung took his arm and lead them to the bedroom.

When they reached the bed, everything was still soft; Taehyung layed him on the bed gently and looms over him with a kind smile. Jungkook thought alphas are rough when it comes to sex, but Taehyung took it slow.

"Jungkook-ah," Taehyung called, and when Jungkook looked at him the alpha suddenly looked slightly unsure of what he's doing, "Can you, um, close your eyes for me?"

Skeptical as ever, Jungkook frowned at the request, but he figured he should just embrace whatever is coming his way, so he does as he's told. It took another moment of pause before Jungkook starts to hear Taehyung shuffling above him, and after some time he felt the alpha undressing him.

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