Of Lube and Heats

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[Vmin+Vkook] [Comedy] [4.4k Words]

Note : this is a very old work of mine so I apologize in advance for any mistakes. No synopsis because it's just basically a threesome fic with alpha-omega dynamic.


The trio was just playing a pointless video game when the bell rang. Usually, Taehyung, the least lazy one of the three, would immediately rise up to his feet and strut out of the room to get the door, but the day was especially hot for him, and he didn't feel like moving at all. So he called for the maknae for assistance.

"Jungkook, get the door."

"No, you get it," he replied, eyes unmoving and hands still playing with the controller endlessly.

Annoyed, Taehyung lightly landed a hit on top of the younger's head. "Brat, I'm your Hyung. Do as I say."

But Jungkook seemed to be unfazed by the gesture. Instead, he acted as if nothing had happened and continued playing the game. "No. Go ask Jimin Hyung."

He gave the younger a cynical glare before finally sighing in defeat. "Fine. Jimin–"

"Nope. No, I don't care. Just no," Jimin said, cutting off the brunette before he even managed to start his sentence. By then, Taehyung already knew that neither of his good-for-nothing friends were going to help him out, so he unwillingly got off the couch in a very drunken manner, as the heat was overbearing, and walked towards the front door, all the while muttering something along the lines of 'I'm living with a bunch of jerks'.

Turns out it was the mailman. Taehyung's parents had sent him a package and several letters. Good thing that Jimin and Jungkook didn't follow his orders; they'd probably have read all the letters before handing them to Taehyung and take the package for themselves if it was food.

"M'kay, let's see..." Taehyung mumbled under his breath as he scanned the package. He slowly ripped off the brown paper covering it. A small 'oh' resounded in the room, coming from his own mouth, and Taehyung quickly looked around in fear in case someone else was around.

Exactly three years ago, when Taehyung first left home to find a flat of his own near the college he was attending, his parents told him that they'd sent him a package of some sort in the future. "It's very important. Don't open it in front of your friends, okay darling?" Taehyung remembered what his mother said very clearly.

But now, staring at the small cardbox in his hands, Taehyung wondered just exactly why it was so important. It was just a couple of bottles of lube and condoms. There wasn't even a note with it. Taehyung wasn't exactly sure which era his parents were still stuck in, but in present time, lube and condoms weren't taboo anymore. Heck, a three year old child could carry it around, and no one would give a shit – at least Taehyung knew he wouldn't.

With that in mind, Taehyung mindlessly threw the box on a table near him and strutted back into the living room to reunite with his dumb friends.


Living with two disgustingly lazy alphas who wouldn't get up and do what Taehyung said even if their lives depended on it was one thing. But for the both of them to be so utterly useless in the kitchen was a whole other and very frustrating thing.

Cleaning the rooms and washing the dishes was never that much of a task for Taehyung. It was a piece of cake, really. The house was small, and both Jungkook and Jimin was never wasteful enough to use a new plate every five minutes, so there was never that much work. But cooking was the one sole thing Taehyung might never be able to do, even if his life was at stake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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