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Henry and I ended up walking home together in silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence, instead it was peaceful. Just when we were about to part ways at the dirt path that led to my house, he broke the stillness of the dusk day. "Um," Henry looked down at the ground, taking a nervous gulp, his adam's apple bobbing. "The thing I said earlier about me and Beverly, it wasn't true. I don't know why I feel the need to tell you that, but I just had to get that off my chest. I didn't want you th-" He continued to ramble on, but I stopped him mid-way.

"I know, Henry." I reassured him, giving him a small smile. He studied my face for a second, and then opened his mouth to say something, but decided not to and closed it back up. Henry nodded, then pursed his lips and turned away from me, beginning to walk down the street.

I looked down out of slight disappointment that he didn't say any last words, but nonetheless began to also walk away down my road. After a few steps, I felt his gaze on the back of my head which made me turn around and look at him one last time, then continue on my way.

The rest of the walk home was undisturbed. I had butterflies erupting in my stomach the whole way with a grin etched on my face. I couldn't stop thinking over what all had happened. The way his arms wrapped around my body so perfectly and the way he just welcomed me, my comfort, with open arms. He had needed that, something that he had needed his whole life. A shoulder to cry on.

Hopefully things would be different now, I thought. Maybe he'd actually try to turn himself around now that he knew I was there for him. But that was a long shot.

.  .  .  .  .

When I got home, something was scratching at the back of my mind. Richie! I was supposed to go get my bike from him. I grabbed the door handle and turned it, walking in quietly. Hopefully, my mom was asleep by now, but then again it was only about seven o'clock.

I quietly closed the door behind me and crept into the living room. The TV illuminated the room, the sound giving off an eerie scratching noise as the TV was on no particular channel. My mom wasn't in here though. I sighed and walked over to the home phone hanging on the wall.

I dialed Richie's home number and waited as the phone rang. "Hello, Tozier residence." It was Richie's mom. "Who is it that I am speaking to?"

"Hi Mrs. Tozier, it's me. Taylor."

"Oh, Taylor dear. How are you?"

"I'm doing fine, is Richie home by any chance?"

"Sorry sweetie, he hasn't come in yet."

I looked down at the floor in thought. "Oh, well may I leave a message?"

"Of course."

"Tell him that I'll be around there sometime in the morning to get my bike."

"Sure sweetie, tell your mother I said hello."

"I will. Bye, now." I hung the phone back up on it's rack. I walked upstairs and peaked into my mom's room, looking to see if she was in there. She isn't. Guess she's out with some friends tonight.

I walked into my room and grabbed some night clothes, going to hop into the shower. After washing up, I decided it was time to call it a night. After everything that's happened today, I just needed to lay down and think.

As I laid in the tranquility, my thoughts were broken by a distant, irate yell. My heart squeezed inside me. I wish I actually had guts, 'cause if I did I'd tell Henry's dad off myself. But I don't, so I won't.

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