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"Move over fuck-face." Henry tells Bill, his leader instincts taking over. Henry pushes his way to the front, dragging me next to him. Vic and Belch take their usual positions directly behind Henry. Bill has a scowl on his face and I shoot Henry a glare for the name calling. Henry's eyes look around the damp, dark sewer, confused as to where to go. I take a step forward and pull on his hand, motioning for him to walk.

I could practically feel Richie's eyes burning into the back of my head. Guilt wrenched in my gut. I felt so bad, having not been there for Richie—my best friend, the person I grew up with—during this whole fiasco. I've barely even thought about Richie or any of my friends at that. I've been so preoccupied with Henry.

After this is all over, that is if we survive it, I need to make sure that I talk to all my friends about everything, about how I've felt about Henry all this time. Especially Richie.

"Guys," Eddie says out of the quietness after us wandering down these tunnels for a few minutes. "Where's Stan?"

"What?" I ask, turning around. My eyes wander around the group. Vic... Ben... Mike... but no Stanley. "Where the fuck is he?"

"Stan!" Ben yells out, looking around.

"Shut up tits, you don't want that thing knowing that we're here, do you?" Victor hisses out at Ben, glaring. Ben glared back, then opened his mouth to retort something, but quickly shut it—probably remembering who he was talking to.

"We have to find him," Richie leads off on his own, going down a separate tunnel.

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(sorry guys, but i'm time skipping through the conflict with it bc this is a henry fanfic. just imagine everything happened the way it did in the movie, only difference is that the bowers gang helped kill it)
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It was silent with heads down as we all walked out of the sewers, coming out into the Barrens. Everyone's minds were racing, thoughts of what just happened playing over. Questions popping up.

I stopped walking when I didn't feel Henry's presence beside me anymore. Turning around, I found that he had stopped walking—along with Vic and Belch. His eyes met mine, then flicked to my friends. "Just because we helped you losers out with this, doesn't mean that we're friends. This was a one time thing, I only did it for Taylor." The club stopped walking at the sound of Henry's voice, and they all turned around to face him, listening. Some gasped while other just stared wide-eyed at me when Henry mentioned my name. "Nothing's. Changed. Understood?" Henry said, stern and serious.

All of them nodded, but of course Richie had to say something. "The fuck do you mean you did it for Taylor?"

Henry gave him a menacing look, obviously not wanting to talk to Richie. Richie didn't back down though, glowering right back at Henry. Afraid the two were gonna break into a fight, I quickly intervened. "Just drop it, Richie..." I whispered to him, a pleading look in my eye. One look at me and Richie obliged, dropping his guard and submitting to Henry's bearing.

"Nevermind..." Richie mumbled.

Henry gave all the of 'Losers Club'—except me of course—one last death glare, then motioned his head to the side. "Let's go," he told Vic and Belch. They started walking toward the small hill that would lead up to a paved road, that would eventually take them back into town and toward the crack-house on Neibolt Street so they could get their car. Henry took a few steps, following behind them, but turned back to look at me. I was still standing in the same place as before, my friends still all behind me. Henry looked from them, to me, to Vic and Belch, to himself, then back to me. I got the idea, noting that he wanted me to go with him.

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