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I took a quick step forward so that I was closer to him, then I reached up and touched his lips with my own. Henry didn't react at first for a second, just standing there stiff as a rock, then he lightened up and began to kiss back with a powerful force, a longing force. One of his hands reached up to cup the right side of my face while the other slid down my back and stopped at my waist, pulling my body flush against his. My arms wrapped around the back of his neck, pulling him down closer towards me.

The kiss was a desire-filled kiss, like something that we've been waiting for our whole lives and now it was finally here and we couldn't be more happier. We couldn't get enough of it.

My fingers entangled into his hair, playing with strands of it, which just turned him on more because he then groaned into the kiss.

Both of his hands then moved down to just below my butt and I got the idea that he wanted me to jump, so I obliged and he caught me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he started moving us forward until my back lightly hit a tree, never once breaking the kiss.

I licked his bottom lip, asking for entrance, and he smirked under the kiss at my impatient-ness before opening up. As our tongues fought for dominance, one of his hands began to slowly slide up my back, underneath my shirt. The coolness of his fingertips seemed to work perfectly and sooth my hot tempered body.

His lips then left my own and moved down my jawline to my neck and made a straight line to my collarbone. I threw my head back and moaned quietly, turning both him and myself on more. I wanted this to never end, but then I remembered the harsh reality that not only were we in the woods where his dad could easily wake up and find us, but also the fact that I wasn't nearly anywhere ready for this yet.

"W-wait, Henry." I tried to suppress the moaning sound in my voice, but it didn't really work too well. "Stop. We can't."

Henry stopped, kissed my neck once more, than pulled back and took a few deep breaths. He then leaned his forehead against mine, and looked into my eyes. Lust and, for once, I saw happiness lied deep in those eyes. "I've wanted to do that for so long now." He whispers to me, and a blush rises to my cheeks. I smiled and leaned forward to give him another quick chaste kiss.

It went quiet again, us staring into each others' eyes. "Henry?"


"I'm here for you."

WOUNDS ♚ henry bowers [it]Where stories live. Discover now