Chapter 5

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Hola! I know I said that this post wouldn't be up until the weekend but I have nothing to do right now so I decided to update early! This chapter is dedicated to huntingshewolf10 because she has been very supportive of this story and has voted on every chapter so massive thank you to her. Also there might be a couple of swear words in this chapter, just thought I should give you a little warning.


I quickly opened the door only to be met with my furious and obviously drunken father.


"Where were you?!?!" my father shrieks at me. Before I can even answer he slaps me across the cheek. I bite my lip to stop myself from crying out in pain because I know that it will only motivate my father to hit me more.

"I was at a friends." My father doesn't know about Anne and I plan on not telling him because he will surely never let me out of the house again.

"I never said you could leave and where is my dinner?" My fathers eyes are blazing with anger and you can see his vein on his forehead bulging out.

"I'm sorry," I stutter.

"I'm tired of you being an ungrateful little bitch! I give you clothes, feed you, and put a roof over your head and this is how you treat me? Your so ugly and fat. No one will ever love you. Its all your fault that she died."

My father always insults me like this but he has never blamed me for my mothers death before. It wasn't my fault that she died. She had had cancer. I just continued to keep my head down and block out all of the hurtful words my father was saying to me.

"Its time for your punishment now," my father smirks, breaking me out of my thoughts.

Before I can even look up my father kicks me in the stomach causing me to crumple to the floor. He then continues to punch, kick, or slap every part of my body. Words can not describe how much pain I was in at the moment.

Finally my father picks me up by hair hair and throws me into the wall. there is a loud crack when my head hits the wall. I feel dizzy and my right hand goes and touches the part of my head that hit the wall. When I pull it away I see that it is covered in blood. That is the last thing I see before I black out.


When I open my eyes I realize that I am in the same position lying on the floor in a pool of my own blood. Every part of my body hurts, it even hurts to breath which probably means I have some broken ribs.

I try to sit up but even the slightest movement cause my head to throb. Somehow though I manage to prop myself out against the wall a little bit so I can look around. My father seems to be up in his room probably passed out from all the alcohol he consumed.

At first I don't know what to do seeing as I can't move, but then I remember that my phone is still in my jeans pocket. Carefully I remove it so I don't cause anymore pain to my already broken and beat body.

Looking at the clock on my phone I see that it is now 2 am and that I have been passed out for 5 hours. When I look through my contacts I realize that there is only one person that I can call and that is Harry.

He picks up on the fourth ring. "Hello?" he asks sleepily.

"H-harry?" my voice shook.

"Ariana?" he asks instantly more awake.

"Yeah. I need you come over here. Please, I need your help," my voice breaks at the end.

"What happened? Are you okay? Did that son of a bitch hurt you again?" I cut him of before he could ask anymore questions.

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