Chapter 7

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"Hurry up and get ready or else we're leaving you behind!" Niall's voice woke me from my sleep.

"Uggh five more minutes," I moaned pulling the covers over my head. It had been a week since the incident with my father and I was released from the hospital four days ago with a doctors order to rest and not over exert myself. Suddenly the covers were pulled off my body and the cold morning air penetrated my skin making me shiver.

"I'm going to kill you guys!" I screeched before launching myself at the nearest boy who happened to be Zayn.

"Ahhh" he screamed and bolted out of my bedroom and down the stairs while the rest of the boys burst out laughing.

When I got home from the hospital I permanently moved into Anne's house. The boys right now had a break since their new album just came out so besides a few signings here and there they were mostly free.

Zayn was already down the stairs and I knew I didn't have a chance at catching him. Suddenly an idea struck my head and I pretended to fall off the last stair and started to fake cry. Immediately Zayn and the other boys were all crowded around me with a chorus of 'What hurts?' or 'Are you okay?'

Zayn had a really adorable guilty expression on his face and offered me a hand to help me up. But instead of using it to help myself up I grabbed it and pulled him to the ground instead. I got on top of him and started tickling him. The rest of the boys looked confused but soon they caught on and joined me in tickling Zayn.

"What is going on in here?" Anne shouted when she walked in. I reckon we were quite a sight with me and the rest of the boys on top of Zayn and Zayn squirming and us laughing our heads off. Quickly we all sobered up and got off of Zayn.

"Nothing," I answered innocently.Anne looked suspicious shrugged it off.

"Anyway you guys better get going or else the mall will be super crowded." she said.

"We're going to the mall?" I asked Harry excitedly.

"Yep it's almost winter and you have know warm clothes," he said. This was true considering I moved here from Florida and the coldest it got there was the low seventies.

"Yay!" I squealed before running upstairs to get dressed. I put on a pair of light skinnies and a  dark purple long sleeved shirt along with my black boots and a black cardigan. I added a touch of mascara and some lip gloss before running back down the stairs.

"Ready?" Liam asked.

"Yep," I replied. We all piled into Harry's car and soon we arrived at one of the biggest malls I had ever been too. It looked pretty crowded and I started to get nervous but then Harry told me that Paul and a couple of other security guards were meeting us here.

"Right. so Niall, Liam and I all want to hit up some stores so I figured Harry and Louis could help you find some new winter clothes." Zayn told me when we entered the mall.

"Alright sounds good. How about we meet you at the food court in two hours." Louis replied.

"Okay see you then," Liam replied before the three of them walked off.

"So what store do you want to go to first?" Harry asked me. I was kinda overwhelmed by all the stores and was confused because they had totally different stores here then they did in America. Louis, noticing my hesitation just dragged me into some random store that I didn't know the name of.

Louis walked up to a sales woman who looked about thirty and told her that I needed a whole new winter wardrobe. Thankfully she was in her early thirties and wasn't an obsessed fan girl. She looked me up and down before walking around the store and placing clothes in my arms. By the time she had finished there was a pile of clothes higher than Mt. Everest stacked on my arms.

Harry, Louis, and I walked to the back of the store where I started trying on all of the clothes in one of the dressing rooms. The first outfit was a navy blue knit sweater dress that brought out my eyes along with black leggings. I checked my reflection in the mirror before opening the door and showing the boys.

Louis was the first to speak up. "Well, don't just stand there model it for me."

I did a twirl for him and put my hand on my hip thinking that it was enough.

"Tsk Tsk that is not modeling," he sighed dramatically.

"Then what do you want me to do?" I asked bewildered.

"You have to go like this," he said and proceeded to strut around the changing rooms with one hand on his hip. He even stopped right in front of Harry and winked at him and blew him a kiss.

"And that my friends is how it's done," he said before sitting down.

Harry and I just looked at each other before we both burst out laughing. I was rolling on the ground laughing hystericlally while Harry had tears streaming down his face and was clutching his stomach. We sobered up though when a saleslady came to see what all the commotion was about. We just looked at her innocently and she walked away shaking her head while muttering about crazy teenagers these days.

"For you infromation I'm twenty!' Louis said.

The rest of my modeling session went on like that and I would show Louis and Harry my outfit and they would tell me if they hated it of if they loved it. Finally I was down to one last item. It was a one shoulderd dress that came a little lower then mid thigh and it was made out of black lace and had a black belt that went around my waist.

When I came out of the dressing room Harry and Louis both froze. I started to feel a little self conscious since they weren't saying anything but Louis broke the silence.

"That dress looks amazing on you and if you don't get that I will hide all the chocolate from you in the house."

"Really,you guys actually like it?"

"Definitely,you look stunning," Harry joined in.

Blushing beat red,I turned around and made my way back in to the changing room. I gathered the clothes that I liked and put on my original ones before opening the door and walking to the checkout stand with Harry and Lou.

"Alright your total is $300.46," the sales lady said. Holy crap that was way to much money. The most I think I had ever spent at a clothing store was fifty bucks and that was on my eighth grade graduation dress.

Louis handed over his credit card like it was no big deal and we walked out of the store five minutes later with each of us carrying two big bags. We hit up a couple of other stores before we met up with the other boys at the food court.

The fans here have all been very nice and calm, just asking for a picture or an autograph which Louis and Harry happily gave them.Thankfully there was no paparazzi yet and that no one has asked me who I was yet although I did get a couple of curious glances from some girls.

When we reached the food court though we were unprepared for the sight we saw. A massive crowd of girls was crowding around Liam, Niall, and Zayn. Paparazzi was everywhere too with their huge cameras flashing in my face.When they caught sight of me wit Harry and Louis they rushedtowardsus and immediately started taking pictures and asking me all these questions.

I began to get really claustrophobic and it felt like the room was a thousand degrees.Harry put a hand on my shoulder and was asking me something with a concerned expression on his face but I didn't catch what he said.Black spots danced across my vision and then I blacked out.


Oh my gosh, I amso sorry for making you guys wait this longfor an update! School started and I had volleyball and I just never had time to write this. Since it is really late I tried to make it as long as I can but it's still kinda short :( Anyway I know I don't deserve it but please vote/comment! And happy late Thanksgiving everyone!





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