Act 8~ Comming Out

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          Sorey and Mikleo have been going out for a little over a month now, yet they hadn't told anyone. They were both worried that something would go wrong if they told people that they were dating. Or that someone would hate them. If they were just coming out to their families they wouldn't be as worried. But since they decided to tell the circus group, they were worried.
          They walked into work Monday morning and went their separate ways. Only to meet back up a little bit later during the trapezeist's practice.
"Why, hello Sorey! Are you ok? You look a little nervous."
"Huh? Oh! Yeah I'm fine, thanks for asking though." He tried to sound more upbeat. Thankfully it fooled Lailah.
       Mikleo and Sorey went on with their practices like normal until lunch.


Mikleo and Sorey were waiting in gramps office. They had decided that they would tell Dezel, Zaveid, and Edna. Rose and Alisha already knew since Sorey had asked them for dating advice before. Gramps and Lailah had figured it out a while ago. So Gramps agreed to let them use his office to tell the others.
The three leaders walked in and sat down in front of Mikleo and Sorey, who were standing. Mikleo started to say that him and Sorey were dating but it took him to long and Sorey just blurted it out.
They were all quite for a while until Edna and Zaveid broke that silence.
"HAHAHAH!" Zaveid was laughing so hard he fell out of the chair, only making him laugh harder. Sorey and Mikleo looked at him slightly concerned and completely confused.
"He's fine, but we hadguessed you two were dating since you have gotten so close recently. He's laughing so hard because we bet on the day you guys would tell us, he has unfortunately won. He bet on tomorrow, I bet on a day last week, and Dezel bet on two weeks from now."
"Even you Dezel?" He nodded his head, a small smirk evident on his face.
"We also bet on if you don't tell us how you would be caught." Zaveid added finally being able to talk again.
"Edna thought we would find you two kissing after practice, Dezel thought you two would just mention it without noticing, and I though we hear you guys banging in Sorey's dressing room." Edna started chuckling at the last one and Mikleo went completely red in the face.
"Well I guess we had nothing to worry about huh?" Mikleo mumbled.
"Yeah, I guess so."
Edna, Dezel, and Zaveid had convinced Sorey and Mikleo to tell everyone else. Which they did the next day, Everyone was really welcoming about it. It felt like a weight was lifted from them.
After that practice went back to normal. Until one night when they were getting ready to leave, Lailah came running up to them.
"Hey Sorey! Mikleo!"
"Sorey, would you like to come over for dinner tonight?"
"Could I?"
"Sure! But, I won't be home for another hour, so if you can wait."
"Yeah! Of course."
"Ok! Then you can stay over with Mikleo until I got home if you want." She waved them goodbye and headed to Gramps office.
       "Guess I'm coming to your house tonight then?"
       "Yeah guess so." Mikleo was actually really happy that Sorey was coming over and they would have an hour to themselves. They walked home talking about random things. It didn't take them long to get to Mikleo's house, they put their stuff on the couch and headed up to Mikleo's room.
Sorey looked around and his eyes caught sight of a large book self. He went over and started looking through them.
       Mikleo had sat down on his bed watching Sorey go through his books looking at each one with wonder filled eyes.
       Sorey finally settled for one, The Celestial Record. Sorey started reading it as he was walking over to join Mikleo on his bed. Which probably wasn't a good idea on his part. He ended up tripping.
       He landed on the bed, but he also landed on top of Mikleo. He got up with a groan, the book having landed on the floor. When Sorey opened his eyes he saw the poison they were in. He had pinned Mikleo under him, both looking each other in the eyes.
       Sorey saw a chance and took it. He leaned down and kissed Mikleo. Mikleo was surprised at first, but quickly gave into the kiss. Sorey kept his lips locked onto Mikleo's as he pushed his legs onto the bed, on either side of Mikleo's. Sorey kissed him softly once more before picking up the book he picked out and snuggling next to Mikleo. They read for almost an hour before Sorey had to go to the bathroom.
       He walked out of the bathroom a minute later and Mikleo was changing and had looking a little dazed. Sorey walked over and kissed him on the head.
       "Are you feeling ok?"
       "I'm fine, heads a little funny, but otherwise I'm great." Mikleo smiled up at him.
"I love him so much, he's so cute." Sorey thought as he smiled back at Mikleo.
       Just then Lailah walked into the house shutting the door behind her letting the boys know she was home. They walked downstairs and greeted Lailah, sitting down on the couch and turning on the TV as Lailah started dinner.
       Sorey sat down next to Mikleo. Mikleo snuggled closer to Sorey and wrapped his arms around him. They watched TV until dinner was done and ate together. Mikleo didn't want Sorey to leave and Lailah enjoyed having him around so he decided to stay over that night. He ran home quickly grabbing some of his stuff and coming right back.
       They hung out and talked until Mikleo fell asleep on Sorey's shoulder. Sorey carried him upstairs, getting into bed with him, and falling asleep soon after.


~End of chapter (act) 8! Sorry I've haven't updated this in a while, school again, but hope this chapter kinda makes up for it!~

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