Act 4~ I Remember You

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       Sorey came back to the circus two days later and got his suit. Gramps told him to try it on.
       While he was changing he really got to take a good look at it, black, white, dark blue, and gold. It looked almost like gramps except his was green. It had black pants, black dress shoes, the black, white, blue and gold top, and a black top hat.
        He looked at himself properly in the dressing room mirror.
       "I look really cool."
       And he did, the colors matching him very well. Also he thought it was awesome he got his own dressing room.
        It had a couch, clothes rack, a makeup desk, and selves. He could do a lot here.
       He left the dressing room, returning to Gramps' office.
       "It looks good on you my boy."
       "Sorey take a seat. I'm going to tell you everything you need to know."


"First things first, we practice every weekday from 6am to 6pm. Unless something comes up or it is a holiday. Second, you will work with the head of the acts, the ones you already met. But mainly the trapezeist because their are our most popular act. Third, you must have your suit on when you come to work."
"Ok got it."
"And one last thing, you will practice Magic's tricks with me every work day for at least two hours starting next week."
"Yes sir."
"Ok. Now head to the trapezeist and watch them practice till I come for you."
       With a nod Sorey left his office. He made his way to the trapezeist practice. He was secretly really happy to go there. Maybe he could talk to Mikleo.
When he walked in, he was greeted by Lailah.
"Hello Sorey! Well don't you look fancy in your outfit!"
"Thanks! I'm just here to watch you guys practice till Gramps comes and gets me."
"Oh great! Well I just finished my round, but Mikleo is up next. He'll start soon. Oh! Do you know Mikleo, like from before you met him here?"
"Umm well I bumped into him at the outdoor market and I saw him at the last performance."
"I thought so you just seemed like you knew him."
"Oh well I'm sure he doesn't even remember me."
"He probably does. He has a great memory. Oh look! He's starting!"
       "Wait, he remembers me?"
Sorey looked up to see Mikleo grab a bar and swing off towards another bar. He let go and flipped before grabbing the second bar. He swings up to another platform and lands. He turns and swings back only to jump off in the middle, flipping while falling towards the trampoline below him. He landed gracefully.
       He hopped off the trampoline and walked over to where Lailah and Sorey were standing.
"Hello Lailah, Sorey."
"Hey Mikleo."
"Hey, Mikleo, do you remember him? Apparently he bumped into you and you saw him during a performance?"
"Wha- Lailah?! He probably doesn't remember me."
"I remember you."
"I remember you. You bumped into me at the outdoor market, and I saw you during one of my tricks at the last performance."
       "Oh I thought you didn't remember. Guess you do."
       Mikleo was about to say something else but Gramps called for him and Sorey.
       "Mikleo your going to go and take him to the lion tamers and help them out."
       "Sure thing."
      Mikleo and Sorey went to see the lion tamers where they were grooming the lions. Sorey slightly backed up. Those lions were big.
       "Don't tell me your afraid of them."
       "No it's just that, I- I don't want to interrupt them."
       "Don't worry about that it's fine." Mikleo walked up to one of lions and petted its mane.
     "Hey girl. How are you?" She let out a small rawr. He picked up brush and starred grooming her mane.
       "There goes are animal whisper again." Said Zaveid coming up from behind.
       "I'm not an animal whisperer, I just have known these guys for a long time."
       "Know them for a long time?"
       "You didn't know? Mikleo has been here from the start. He's Gramps grandson. Him and Lailah. Except Lailah is Gramps daughter."  Said Dezel also coming into the room.
       "Wait. Really?!"
       "Yeah, the animals really like him."
       "Sorey! Come help me groom Winter."
       "Yeah her," He pionted to the lion, "don't worry she won't hurt you."
       He slowly walked up to lion and petted her. She purred and then licked him.
      "Huh?! Umm well hi then!" Sorey heard chuckling and turning to see Mikleo with a big grin on his face laughing to himself. Sorey's new favorite sound.
      "That means she likes you."
      "That's good. She really is sweet."
      "Told you."
       Sorey and Mikleo spent the rest of the day grooming, feeding and taking care of the lions and other animals. He didn't know the lion tamers took care of all the animals, but he guessed it does make sense in a way.
       He walked with Mikleo to Gramps office, it was 8:45. Maybe he'd let them leave.
       "Gramps can we come in?"
        "Mikleo and I finshed all our tasks with the lion tamers. Do you think we could head home?"
       "By the time you two get changed it will be time leave anyway, so go ahead."
       They both left, Mikleo started to go back to his dressing room.
       "Wait Mikleo!"
       "Do you want to walk home together?"
       "Umm sure."
       "Ok meet me at my dressing room?"
       "Ok. See you then."
       They both went their ways to get changed. Sorey also didn't know how hard it was to get off a ringmaster outfit till now, it was hard. When he finished Mikleo was already waiting for him outside his room.
       Mikleo was wearing his glasses again, a blue sweater that was slightly to big it gave him sweater paws, and jeans.
       "He looks adorable and amazing. God I'm so hopelessly in love. Wait I'm in love? Yeah I guess I am."
       "Ready to go?"
       "Yep! Ready!"
Mikleo and Sorey walked in silence until Sorey decided to break the ice.
       "So where exactly do you live?"
       "On the corner of Spruce and 7th."
       "Oh! I live on the corner of Spruce and 8th."
       "Oh, then we don't live to far away."
       "Yeah. Mikleo? Why did you want to become a trapezeist? I mean they did say your the only boy."
       "Hmm, well Lailah is the leader so there was a guilt trip involved, but I just love the rush of flying through the air and preforming tricks people love."
       "That's a really good reason. Oh I guess we're here."
       "Huh? Oh, yeah. See you tomorrow Sorey."
       "Yeah see you tomorrow Mikleo."
       With their goodbyes Mikleo went inside and Sorey walked to his house. He locked the door and collapsed on the couch.
      "Mikleo does remember me. And he looks so cute in his glasses and regular clothes, not that he didn't look good in his practice and performance outfit too."
      He felt his face heat up. He flopped over and covered his face in a pillow.
      "I am so hopelessly in love."


~End of chapter (act) 4! Finally they are talking and being cute dorks! Sorey got to know more about Mikleo, he really is in love.~

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