Act 9~ Fire

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Sorey had worked at the circus for about two months now. Last night everyone had a great show. It had gone smoothly, almost to smooth. Like all there good luck had gone into that show. And really it had.
          Nobody knew that in a day all they had worked so hard for would be gone in a flash. Sorey didn't know he would almost lose something precious to him.
       Everyone that wasn't there would say it was an, 'unfortunate accident', but everyone who was there that cold night, would tell you it was no accident. If it was, they all had hallucinated what they saw and were crazy, which they pretty sure they weren't.


The days before the fire had been normal if anything, no signs of disaster in sight. And the show the evening before went really well, Mikleo perfecting even is hardest tricks. He got a kiss from Sorey for that, not like Sorey didn't kiss him any other chance he got tough.
That morning everyone went in for practice like normal, it was a warm, comfortable day, not to hot or cold. And just like always one of the first things he did was go to met up with Mikleo and watch him and the trapizests morning practice. Luckily Mikleo had just started his routine when Sorey walked in. Mikleo finished, spotting Sorey and running up to him, getting a huge hug for the taler male.
"How are you Sorey?"
"I'm great and you?"
"I'm great as well, now that you're here." He added blushing wildly, Sorey doing the same.
"Ok lovebirds, save the corny pick up lines for later, Mikleo has to get back to practice!" Lailah yelled to them from across the room, laughing hysterically afterwards. Sorey and Mikleo's blush deepened until it was a deep shade of red.
"I guess I should get going, huh?"
"Yeah, I guess, I wish you could stay though." Mikleo said slightly pouting.
"How is how so cute?!" Sorey thought.
          "Sorry but I have to go and help Gramps, who knows what he would do if I didn't."
          "Ok, I'll see you later then. Also let's walk home together later." Mikleo stood on his toes and kissed Sorey in the cheek, and then walked back to where everyone was practicing.
          Sorey stood for a few seconds before his face went completely red all the way up to his ears and turn to walk, or stumble, away with a goofy smile plastered on his face.
          He met up with Gramps outside of his office.
          "Sorey? Are you ok?"
          "Huh? Oh yeah... I'm fine." He said it like his mind wasn't all there.
          "Yeah... sure. Mikleo did something, right?"
     "Ok just make sure you do your work still though." Gramps smirked at Sorey as they walked to go to practice their routines.
          For Sorey the day could not go any slower- scratch that it could. For the last hour of work Gramps said he need to take care of bills and what not (adult stuff is what he told Sorey). But Sorey now didn't have anything to do, except stare at the clock in his dressing room.
          He sat on his little couch, dressed in casual clothes, he stared intently at the slowly ticking clock on his wall. He thought maybe looking at the clock would help time go faster, but it had the opposite effect.
          So for a hour Sorey sat there and did nothing but roll around the couch a few times. But he heard a knock on his door.
          "Sorey? Are you ready to head out?" He jumped up and opened the door, scarring Mikleo.
          "I guess you are, huh?"
          "Yes I am so let's get out of here!" He took Mikleo's hand in his and walked with him to the exit.
          "What's with the rush today Sorey? You usually never want to leave."
          "Well, I just stared at a clock for a full hour, so I'm inching to hang out with you!" Mikleo laughed at his comical boyfriend, causing a blush settle on Sorey's face.
          They walked home together just enjoying each other, Mikleo ending up staying at Sorey's for the night.
          The next day the to awoke and did their individual morning routines. They had a show tonight, their last one for a while.
          Everyone worked hard that day, preparing for the nights events to follow.
          The show it self had gone pretty well, only a few screw ups that were easily hidden, the audience enthralled anyway. It was when everyone was staying late to help clean up that it happened.
Sorey was helping clean up with Lailah, Edna, Dezel, and Zaveid by the back of the big top tent when they heard strange sounds coming from outside. There was someone snickering, someone shushing them, and one seemed to laugh at that. The five looked at each other and decided to take a look outside.
They saw three teenage boys crouched near the tent. Zaveid was the first to go up to the teens, he tapped one on the shoulder.
"Huh?!" The boys and turned, seeing the tan, tall, buff man looming over them.
"What you doing kiddos?" The teens seemed scared to answer. The middle one spoke up.
"Umm... we- it- was nothing sir."
"Oh really?"
"Yes sir." All three said this time, nodding their heads.
"Ok then. Well you can't be back here though so scram before I call the cops." And they did just that. The boys got up and ran down the street, soon they were gone.
Zaveid turned back to the others and they walked back into the tent thinking all had been felt with, sadly they were wrong.
Nobody had noticed the flaming piece of paper that the boys had left behind. Nobody had seen it catch a part of the tent of fire, it slowly spreading.
Everybody was minding their own business before they heard multiple people yelling something that would ingrain it in everyone's minds,
In minutes it had spread. Everyone was running trying to get out, they were all seeming to be gathering a safe distance away at the front of the tent. Sorey was making sure everyone was out.
          Eventually the fire had pushed him out of the door blocking him from reentering. He started to check around looking for anyone who might still be in there. He noticed two people missing, one was Lailah and the other was-
"Lailah!" His thoughts were interrupted by Gramps running over to Lailah who had just gotten out of the back of the tent. She had collapsed in a coughing fit from the smoke.
Sorey ran over to help Gramps with her. He kneeled next to her.
"Lailah? Are you ok? Can you stand?" Sorey started to get her up but she seemed to struggle from him, Gramps tried to help but she wouldn't let him help either. Then her coughing fit ended.
"Sorey, you have- you have too-" she could barely speak.
"What is it Lailah?" A weird anxiety crept into his chest.
"It's- it's Mikleo, he's still in there!"


~End of chapter (act) 9! So first off I'm soooo sorry for how long it took my procrastinating but to get this done, second I hope to get part 10 out soon!

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