Chapter 1: Restraints and Deals

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Quick authors note: Hi! This is my first fanfic on wattpad, I'm considered an amateur so if there is any details i missed or if you have notes you want to share with me please do! (There is a smut warning!) I will try to update as often as I can, maybe once a week, so yea enjoy!~~~~ (also, the pictures I use for the cover and chapters are not mine and belong to their respective owners💖)
(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I quickly opened my eyes, I couldn't pinpoint my place... I was confused, in pain...
" head...." I groaned. My hands were tied behind my back and my feet were tied together.
The last thing I could remember was coming back to gravity falls for another summer....and Bill...somehow attacked us again, but...he was diffrent...

"Dipper?..." I recognized mabel's voice.
"Mabel? Are you ok?!" I tried to loosen my restraints but the rope wasn't normal glowed a bright blue color and tightened every time I tried to loosen.
"Dipper, were getting to old for this...." She joked light heartedly laughing softly, but i knew she was in pain, I could tell in her tone...

Our gruncles were beside us tied up as well but they were still knocked out, Stan had a black eye and a gash on his arm from trying to fight back, my eyes widened, he is hurt really bad...
I couldn't see Mabel because we were back to back but..I'd imagine she was hurt to. We all were. I had a cut on my forehead from the fight I faintly remember, and my cheek felt bruised.

It has been 5 years since our fateful summer here in gravity falls. Me and Mabel have our own apartments now. I outgrew searching for monsters and weird anomalies, but I still found joy in a good conspiracy theory and I kept notes and photos from gravity falls. We decided to drive down to gravity falls to visit. gruncle stan agreed, grudgingly admiting he missed us being in his house.
We didn't expect for Bill to somehow come back.

"Didn't we defeat him...?" Mabel asked confused, frustrated, in pain.
"I thought we did...but he is a demon..maybe he somehow regenerated...or something like that..." I replied, hissing from the tightening ropes on my wrists and ankles.

Suddenly a gold light shown through the darkness
" could say that~"
A familiar voice echoed around us.
"B-bill..." I said, angry, on the verge of tears, i just wanted to be let go.
"Hiya pine tree~ good to see you again."
Suddenly a figure floated in front of us, my vision was still a bit blurry but they adjusted, and when they did I was surprised to see him...Bill was...a human?!... I knew he could take different forms but...I never saw him as a human before....he was beautiful I'm not gonna lie. His skin was tanned perfectly, his hair golden yellow, he was fairly tall and thin with a evil smirk and soft freckles dotting his cheeks, one eye was covered by a eyepatch, and the other was gold, mesmerising.
I turned away and growled.
"Let us go bill! You can't do this to us again!"
He only smirked and came closer to me.
"I can't~? Why is that pine tree..."
He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes with his golden one, making me feel weaker.
"I said I would get you one day, and now I have... Revenge at it's finest~"
He laughed evily and let go of my chin letting my head drop.
" are you here?!"
I was angry, I wanted answers.
"Its complicated pine tree. I'm a powerful dream demon. Remember? wouldn't make sense to you humans."
I growled again and tried to loosen my restraints once more but couldn't, I only felt pain as they tightened.
"Ahhh!!!" I hissed.
"Lets us go Bill!" Begged Mabel weakly, tears in her tone.
"Ill let you go...maybe...but..we have to have some fun first don't we~? I mean it has been 5 years~"
I looked down in defeat, letting my tears fall to my chest, down my ripped shirt.

Gruncle Stan and ford suddenly began moving.
"" They groaned, looking up slowly, they looked as dazed and confused as I did when I first woke up, when they gained full consciousness they began to freak out.
"huh?....Dipper, Mabel?!.." Ford growled looking up at Bill "damnit let us go you low excuse of a demon!!" He yelled trying to get free only resulting in the restraints tightening.
"There is no use in fighting me ford...." He smiled evily and lifted up his hand, it suddenly began to glow, resulting in Stan and ford being lifted up into the air.
"Any last words~?" Bill asked, his voice deep, his eyes red.
I started breathing heavily as my heart began to race. "No! Stop!!" I said "BILL LISTEN!" I said loudly.
Bill stopped with them in mid air and turned to me with red eyes. "Make it quick pine tree...."

I sighed and looked down "Bill....ill trade myself for them...please let them go...and you can have anything to me...anything you want. Please." I hesitated to say that at first, but...i just wanted my family safe... "!" Stan and Mabel yelled
Bill smiled evily "hm.....Deal.."
When he said 'deal' it was evil....deep...horrifying... He snapped his fingers and suddenly they were gone.

I looked up and saw Bill close to my face, suddenly I was knocked out with the snap of his fingers.

-----time jump-----
A couple hours I woke up in a enormous bed in a room i had never seen before...damnit why do i keep getting knocked out...
I looked around grudgily and sat up.
I'm not in gravity falls anymore...

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