Chapter 7: "let's do this!"

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(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I woke up a few hours later. I had no dreams, all there was and all I could see was darkness all around me.
I leaned to the side of the bed and flipped the lamp light on.
I looked around and saw the room i knew well, being me and mabels old room. I looked at mabels bed and saw her sleeping which meant it was late. I smiled a bit then frowned, did Bill not love me anymore?.... No he does....he said so when he sent me back....
But...why did he let me go?...I don't understand.
I stood from the bed feeling a bit dizzy but I soon regained my balance, I took off my shirt, feeling a bit dirty, probably because i was wearing the clothes that I got taken in.
Mabel sat up from her bed and gasped "d-dipper?...."
"What Mabel?..." She sounded concered.
"Your back...did bill do that to you?..."
I turned my back to the mirror and looked, I gasped...
On my back there was a brand that had a triangle and simply said... "Bill's Property" in bold letters.
I blushed and looked at Mabel.. "Yea....he did I guess...I dont know when tho..."
I sigh and slip a new shirt on.
"Don't worry about me Mabel, he didnt really do anything bad to me...." Mabel looked shocked "what? How could bill not do anything bad to you? Its bill.."
I smirk "well...." I look down..
Mabels eyes widen " did not...
I blush and shush her
I blush more "yea...a little I mean..."
She stopped me before I could continue " don't really think he loved you do you? Come on...he is a heartless demon..."
I sighed. "I know but... Mabel...I think i changed him...he was...romantic...and he made me feel different than any other guy ever did....i mean he was my first...."
Mabel looks at me shocked "Dipper are you serious?..." I look down sad.. "Well...I mean...if you think he changed then maybe he did...but why did he let you go?.." She asks confused.
"I dont know, I had a bad dream about you guys and when I woke up he looked sad and then he told me he loved me...and..." I slowly start to tear up, memories flooding back.
"Dipper....maybe...maybe he let you go because he trully does love you....maybe...if you let him know you love him guys can be together in a healthy relationship?...he is a human right?.."
I shake my head "no....Stan and ford would never let him near me..."
Mabel nods "that's true...but..."

Mabel smirks and stands up in determination. "Ill find a way!!"
She smiles widely
"True love always finds a way!"
She sounds like she used to when she was younger.
"What do you mean?"
I mean, if you guys love each other, ill find a way to get you together. You know me dip, in a sucker for romance!" She giggles making me laugh a bit and blush. "Oh...alright, how are we gonna do that?...." She looks at me her eyes twinkling.
"Tell bill to come here, we all need to talk!"
But I dont know how to get him back..
She thinks for a moment.
"How did we always get him here..."
She gasps "the dreamscape!...maybe if you somehow take control of your dream and dream about bill, he will somehow come into your dreams and you can talk to him. Once he is in your dreams we can make him come to us."
I smile "your right ! But ill need your help lets dream together."
She nods.

An hour or so passes of us getting the things we need, I snuck the 1st journal from Ford's office, in the journal is a dream page telling us the secrets to controlling dreams and dream demons.
"The page says we can talk to bill if we dream together, falling asleep thinking about him. The force of 2 minds together should be we just need sleep."
She nods.
We both lay down on the floor holding hands, I think about being with bill, his eyes and how beautiful they are...
I soon fall asleep will mabel.
In the dreamscape me and Mabel are holding hands as we enter the room me and bill were in. I see bill sitting on the bed, he looked tired even though doesn't sleep, he also looked depressed... "Bill...bill!" I yell, he looks up at me and Mabel with a releived look and smile "pine tree..." He hugs me tightly. "You came back.... I knew you loved me..."
"I told you i loved you silly..." I tear up happily and hug tighter, Mabel giggles.
"Bill please come back with us...we need to talk about us...i want you..." He blushes a soft gold color and sighs "I can't dipper...."
"Why not?"
"Because ford is waiting for me. Ive been watching him ever since you left. Its like he knows I wanted to come back..."
Mabel nods "i forgot about that. Maybe I can somehow turn off the force..."
I look into his eyes.
"Bill...I will call for you when I find a way ok...I promise.."
He smiles and nods then pulls me into a deep and romantic kiss. Mabel giggles and fangirls a little bit. "Ooh so cute!!"
Bill chuckles and hugs me as tight as he can before pulling away. "Ill seen you soon pine tree...." Suddenly me and Mabel both wake up.
Mabel looks at me with a big smile
"Let's do this!"

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