Healthy Curiousity

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Ginny shuffled into the warmth, wanting to sleep for longer, but knowing she was close to waking up to the agony she’d been in before she’d lost consciousness.

She felt a hand draped over her waist and the light breathing of someone else, and knew before she looked that it was Draco.

She opened her eyes and stretched her uninjured arm, yawning. He was still asleep next to her, and she watched him, fascinated by how relaxed and innocent he looked in his dreams.

As if he’d felt her watching him, he stirred and sat up, rubbing his eyes. When he opened them properly, he saw Ginny looking at him pointedly. It took him a moment to understand why, then he caught on. "It wasn’t my choice to share a bed, Riddle," he smirked, and raised an eyebrow at his use of her name.

"Sure," she drawled. "Then who’s choice was it?"

"Yours," he replied.

That took her aback. "Mine?"

"You were sleep-talking. You kept calling my name and asking for help. When I held your hand you went quiet, and I fell asleep like that."

It was an innocent explanation and he seemed to be telling the truth, so Ginny left it for the time being, and asked instead, "My arm?"

"I got a Wizard First-Aider at the hotel to look you over and sort you out. I paid her to keep her mouth shut. We’re fine," he grinned.

"Hotel? Where are we?" she asked, looking around the luxurious suite. Annoyed at how stupid she sounded with all the questions, she noticed too late the petulant tone in her voice, and cursed silently as he smirked yet again.

"London," he answered, suppressing his amusement. "The White Unicorn Hotel, near the Tower of London."

"Right," she said tersely and went over to where her little black bag lay. She pulled out red leggings and a v-neck black jumper, noticing how her injured arm was only slightly stiffer than her healthy one.

She walked into the bathroom, pulled on her clothes after a hot shower, and started applying her make-up when she noticed her hair and eyes. "Draco?" she called.

"Yes?" came the reply from the other room.

"Was it you who did something to my hair?"

There was a slight pause, then he said shiftily, "If I say yes, will you hex me?"

She laughed. "No, I love it!" she brushed her new black hair, then frowned. She murmured a spell and scarlet highlights appeared and she gave her reflection a big grin. However, she frowned at her blue eyes, and decided that the Dark Lord’s second cousin should have something more unusual. A complicated little spell later changed them to a sparkling purple.

A pleased smile on her face, she finished her make up and curled her hair with her wand.

Draco looked up as she walked back into the room, and laughed quietly at her appearance. She looked hurt. "Don’t you like it?"

"It’s the perfect look for a teenage Death Eater," he grinned, "but aren’t the eyes a bit too much?"

"Shut up!" she said and threw a pillow at him.

He laughed again, and turned it into a little bird that chirped in confusion. "So, are we going to talk about how we’re going to get Potter?"

"I suppose," she sighed, and sat down upon the bed, which she made quickly with her wand. He sat down in front of her.

"If only we’d caught them yesterday," he said, "but I guess you can’t win everything."

"That doesn’t sound like you," Ginny teased. "And I have a plan, anyway."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yesterday, the mudblood asked where I was. They obviously think I’ve been kidnapped by the Dark Lord. They must have assumed I’m being kept in Malfoy Manor, so they need a Malfoy to get in there - that’s why they wanted you," she explained.

"So, what are you saying?" Draco asked, frowning.

"I’m saying, if we go back to the Manor, they’ll show up with a rescue mission for me. Then we just cast a few spells to trap them there."

"That could work," he breathed. "And we’d have Death Eater back-up as well as some Slytherins from my year."

"Who?" Ginny asked, as if she couldn’t care less.

"Theodore Nott, Damien Sepentis and Blaise Zabini," Draco watched Ginny’s reaction to the last name, a smile on his face.

"Oh, crap," she muttered. "This could be awkward."

"Why would that be?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"I slept with him, remember?" she hissed, and slapped his shoulder when he started laughing.

Once he’d recovered from his laughing fit, he said, "It’s a good plan."

She glared at him.

"I swear I won’t talk about it anymore," he held up his hands.

"Good," she said shortly. "Because if you do, I won’t be responsible for my actions."

- - - - -

"Who was that girl?" Hermione asked, annoyed. "I’m sure I’ve seen her before."

"Probably just some scummy Slytherin you saw a few times in Hogwarts," Ron said, adding essence of dittany to some of his wounds.

"No, I’m sure she isn’t," she said, frustrated. "I can’t remember who it was."

"Whoever it was, we injured her pretty badly," Harry said, looking and feeling a bit guilty.

"Why do you look so upset, Harry?" Ron asked. "It was only a Slytherin, or a Death Eater."

"She could have just been some passer-by who thought we were attacking her as well as Malfoy," he said, unable to look either of them in the eye. "If she died from that wound, I…"

"It’s okay, Harry," Hermione touched his shoulder, and he smiled at her, grateful for their relationship, even if it was a secret from his best mate. Behind them, Ron failed to notice anything different between his friends. Maybe his obliviousness was for the best.

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