Haunted Memories

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"Ginny…" her name was hissed through the air and she cried out, her arms caught in the bed sheets.

"Leave me alone!" she sobbed, trying to extricate herself from the sheets. "It’s in the past now…"

The red eyes of Voldemort loomed over her and she screamed. "Let me go…for Godric’s sake, let me go!"

"Ginny!" Draco’s voice shattered the dream and she fully woke up, gasping and tears on her cheeks. "Ginny, what’s wrong?" he asked, and she heard the worry in his voice. She looked out of the window. It was still dark outside.

"Crap," she muttered. "I spoke out loud, didn’t I?"

"Spoke?" he said incredulously. "You were screaming!"

She glared at him. "So what?"

"I want to know what’s wrong, Ginny," he said, rolling his eyes. "People don’t scream in their sleep for no reason."

"Nothing is wrong," she insisted. "At least, not anymore."

Draco eyed her doubtfully. He could tell she was telling mostly the truth, but whatever it was, she was being haunted by the memory of it. He sighed. "Are you planning to tell me what this is all about?"

She stared at him mutinously for a minute, then breathed out shakily. "Let me get dressed, ‘kay?"

"Sure," he murmured and he watched her pull skinny jeans and a grey and white strapped t-shirt out of her bag, and retreat into the shower.

- - - - -

"What the hell are we going to do?" Harry stormed up and down the tent, his mind racing, while Ron stared glumly into a cup of tea. "We need to get Hermione…and kill the bitch." He glared at nothing in particular, clenching his fists as he thought of Ginny. His guilt had vanished overnight, it seemed. All he could feel was a coldhearted rage towards the girl he had used to care for, the one who had betrayed them all.

"I want to kill her," Ron said quietly. "She used to be my sister, I want to do it." Surprise filled Harry at that moment, and he glanced at Ron. The redheaded man didn’t look up from his cup of tea, but there was a quiet determination in his voice that Harry didn’t doubt. He gave a terse nod.

Harry flopped into the seat beside Ron at the table, and finally muttered, "I can’t believe she would do this to us."

"We need to go speak to my mother," Ron said firmly. "We need to tell her about Ginny and warn her."

"Okay," Harry said grudgingly. "But then we get back to rescuing Hermione."

- - - - -

"Okay, so spill," Draco was sat on the bed, watching Ginny. She swore under her breath and finished putting her earring in slowly, in no hurry to tell her story.

She flopped onto the bed next to him and swivelled to face him, legs crossed. He mirrored her.

"It’ll be easier for me to show you my memories," she said softly, flinching as she began to remember some of her past.

She placed her fingertips lightly on his temples and the memories flooded his mind.

It was the summer between third- and fourth-year, and Ginny was at home. She had declined the opportunity to visit Romania for two weeks, and was alone in the house. A neighbour was supposed to be checking in on her twice a day, but they had been called away on urgent business and the Weasleys weren’t expecting any news for the next week.

Ginny poured herself a glass of water, sipping it as she watched the wind blowing the trees in the garden. There was a knock at the door and she got up to answer it.

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