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The room was lit only by a roaring fire in the fireplace, where the blond boy sat reading a book. The door clattered open, blowing pages of his book and making him lose his place. He looked up to see a blond woman standing in the doorway, watching him.

"You and the Dark Lord’s cousin?" Narcissa Malfoy’s voice was cool and calm as she watched her son wince.

"Second-cousin, to be accurate," he said, "and how did you know?"

"I won’t have it," she hissed, her blue eyes igniting in fury as she crossed the room and sat in the chair opposite him beside the fire.

"Mother - "

"It’s time you stopped messing about, Draco," she said vehemently. "I won’t allow you to marry a girl like that."

"A girl like what?"

"A filthy blood traitor! She was the adopted child of the Weasley Blood-Traitors!"

"She is no traitor to her blood!" he spat, anger lacing his voice. "And I don’t care who adopted her, she is a tri-blood, the Dark Lord’s second-cousin, and she makes me happy. That should be enough for you." He rose out of his chair by the fire and stormed out of the room.

"I’m afraid it isn’t," she whispered quietly, noting the depth of his feelings and considering the only option she had left.

- - - - -

Ginny touched the beautiful silk gown that Draco held out, awe written on her face. It was a lovely sea green, with a low cut neckline and a flowing skirt. It was a simple design that she loved on sight.

"Well? Do you like it?" he asked impatiently, tapping his foot.

"It’s so pretty…" she breathed. "This is your mother’s last season outfit?" He shifted uncomfortably, and she rounded on him. "Are you saying this is new?"

"No! Of course it isn‘t!" he lied flawlessly, and he would have gotten away with it if she hadn’t read his thoughts at that particular moment.

"Draco, you know…" she was flushed red with anger and discomfort. "You know I don’t want your charity!"

"Yes, I know - "

"Take the stupid dress and get out!" she fumed, her hot temper overruling everything else. "And screw your stupid party too!"

He sprinted from the room, clutching the dress, ducking as she threw an ornament at his head.

She ran to the door and slammed it shut, leaning against it. She sighed. Money was a touchy subject for her, and she knew he hadn’t meant to offend her, but the thought of how much that dress was worth made her groan. She opened the door.

"Draco?" she looked up and down the corridor. It was empty. She sighed and leant against the doorway. Then she noticed the dress hanging from the spear of a suit of armour. There was a quick note attached to it.

Ginny, it read. Take the stupid dress and don’t be so damn stubborn. She smiled slightly. I’ll see you about 5 o’clock tonight. Don’t be late. His name was signed with a flourish. She touched where he had scribbled the words in a hurry and unhooked the dress from the statue, walking into her room.

"Having fun?" Narcissa Malfoy was sat on Ginny’s bed, her cold blue eyes staring at the girl.

"Lady Malfoy," Ginny curtseyed, wondering what the Malfoy matriarch wanted with her.

Narcissa got to her feet and walked over to Ginny, her eyes glittering with malice. She stopped a few feet away from the younger woman, and hissed, "Stay away from my son."

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