How did Byun Baekhyun noticed Park Chanyeol?

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So how did Byun Baekhyun noticed Park chanyeol? Well... let's find out.

It is a one fine day in the Byun's Mansion and you can actually hear birds chipping happily outside the mansion. For Baekhyun, he is in his dreamland, dreaming of cute fluffy little puppies and bunnies around him but then suddenly he heard the sound of his door crushing down and he immediately woke up with a not so manly scream and well, since when is he manly. He felt that his eyes are burning because of the ray of sunlight shinning into his room and into his eyes. He turn to his right to see his whole door on the floor and a angry Kai glaring holes into his body. If glaring could kill, he should be dead by now.

"Do you know how long I take to wake you up everday? Do you know what's the damn time right now?!"


"I take at least 30 minutes to wake you up everyday! Its freaking 8am in the morning you damn idiot"

"Don't you call me a damn idiot you retard"

"Just shut up and go and change you damn retarded bacon"

Kai grab onto Baekhyun arm and push him into the toilet that's connected to his bedroom.

"I am giving you 5 damn minutes and if you dare to sleep in there i will make sure to rip all your cute little damn soft toys!"

After Kai slammed the toilet door, Baekhyun could hear kai swearing all the vulguar words he knows and something about him not able too see a boy with big eyes like a owl during assembly. What a vulguar and grumpy person.

Byun Baekhyun needs way more than 5 minutes to get all dressed up nicely so in the end it takes around half an hour for Baekhyun to get all dressed up and by the time he open his toilet's door, he could see all his cute little fluffy soft toys all ripped apart on his bed with Kai glaring at him, again, but Baekhyun could care less about that. He ran to his bed and started hugging and crying over his ripped soft toy but he was dragged by Kai into the car. If any of Baekhyun's servants have seen their young master on the bed crying over ripped soft toys, they might really think that Baekhyun have finally lost his sanity or something. Kai started the engine and what's Baekhyun doing? Whinning and complaining about why he is friends with a mean and irritaing Kai. Kai is actually thinking of something to do to shut his annoying friend's mouth.

When they arrive in school, Byun Baekhyun was left alone in the middle of the parking lot. Why? Kai couldn't stand the mouth of Byun Baekhyun and decided to run away from him when Baekhyun was busy complaining about his ripped apart soft toys. Baekhyun have to walk alone from the parking lot to his classroom which is at the other end of the school because the school is too damn big.

Since the school is too damn big, Baekhyun had a really hard time finding his classroom. Why is he having a hard time finding his classroom? He's always dragged by Kai to their classroom so he didn't have to memorise which way is the way to his classroom. After spending about 15 minutes walking aimlessly around the school, Baekhyun finally realised something, he is lost, he is freaking lost in his own school and he started crying and blamming the school for being so damm big. He is like crying in the middle of the hallway like a lost puppy and he decided that he should just skipped the first few periods since he's freaking lost and late for school.

A few hours later, Byun Baekhyun is still freaking lost in his school and for Kai, he's being some stalker that's stalking someone profile that he had gotten from that person's brother, Sehun being his normal self, day dreaming about a transfer student from China and for Suho, he's just nagging about Baekhyun disappearing for so long in his own school.

Baekhyun look at his phone and there's still 15 minutes before his history class ends so which means after history class ends, he's able to go to the cafeteria to eat all his favourite food, well just normal cafeteria food like sandwich and stuff. Baekhyun started walking to the cafeteria as walking to the cafeteria takes a long time but suddenly he realise something, his classroom is just in front of him and since there is still a few more minutes before breaktime he decided to wait outside the classroom for his friends. Waiting for a few mintues is like a few hours to him so he decided to take a peek at his classroom. He could see his history teacher Mrs Kim writing something on the board and when he turn to look at the back of the class, someone caught his eyes. A boy with light brown hair, elf like ears and big eyes was sitting at the front of the class copying whatever Mrs Kim had written on the board. The boy suddenly turn around and look into Baekhyun's eyes and Baekhyun swear that he could feel his heart beating faster. 'Who is that boy? Is he a new transfer student or something? How come i didn't see him before? Why is my heart beating so fast right now?' Baekhyun was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear his history teacher yelling at the top of her lungs.

"Yah Byun Baekbyun! You are late for the first few periods and when my class is ending soon then you arrive here! You are getting an hour of detention after school to clean the classroom! You hear me?!"

"Yes Mrs Kim!"

Sometime his history teacher can be a pain in the ass. He rush into his class and walk to his desk with a blushing face and make sure to glare at Kai as Kai is just sitting infront of him.

'Who is that guy sitting at the front of the class that caught my eyes, i swear i am blushing so madly right now.'

Kai turned around and when he look at Baekhyun, he's trying so hard to contain his laughter as Baekhyun's face is really red, like really really red.

"Do you know that your face is really red? Are you blushing or something Baekhyun ah."

"Shut up you idiot damn stalker and face the front. Damn you Kai"

Kai turn back and face the front and started laughing and Baekhyun can hear his soft mad laughter.

Finally the bell started ringing and Baekhyun and the rest of the student dashed out of the classroom to the cafeteria except for a boy sitting at the front of the classroom reading through the notes that he had  just copied down on his notebook and he's called Park Chanyeol.

After 4 years, Byun Baekhyun finally noticed the quiet Park Chanyeol.

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