A Kingdom Reborn Ch. 2

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Today of the Ceremony Pt. 1

The sun was shining and Alli was on her balcony enjoys the rays of the sunlight. She raises her left hand to produce mist just see a rainbow. She did this every morning before meeting up with Leon and the Warr twins. While her cousin, Kody is still sleeping. It was the one thing she hate to do is waking her cousin. It doesn't seem no matter what she couldn't get the lazy bastard up.

Alli let out a sigh and head straight towards his room. She pulled out her bow know there is one way for her to wake up her cousin. Shooting a water arrow at her cousin, but there was one side effect to her cousin that she is afraid. When Kody is struck my certain amount of water he'll release a discharge. Hurting him, but anyone who is near him and his electricity will take a while to recharge. So Alli is risking her life again just to get her cousin up for today.

Arriving in front of his door, Alli creak open the door. Her cousin is just sleeping away the day away. She would let him sleep till Colten gets piss at him. She conjured up an arrow without the tip to strike her cousin to wake him up. She was about to get ready and constraint her aim. After mastering the bow, she doesn't get cocky with abilities. She was focusing and getting ready to take aim. She draws the bow string when she hears a knock.

'Who is here,' she thought to herself when she teleports to the front door and opening it to see Colten and Leon, "Good morning you two! Where is Chylo?"

"Chylo went ahead into town," Colten said looking at Alli's bow, "Kody isn't up and you were about to shoot him again with a water arrow?"


"You know what happen last time," Leon said reminding Alli that she was strike by Kody's discharge.

"I know!"

"Alli why don't you go change up with Chylo. While Leon and I get him up," Colten said.

Alli gave the idea a thought and decided to take up the offer. She grabs her shoes and left say goodbye to the guys that she and Chylo will meet them at the castle. Leon ask how are they going to get Kody up. Colten pull out his thermostat full of coffee and a funnel. Knowing Kody must have hide his cooking funnels when the last time when those got Kody up with coffee.

The guys headed to Kody's room and saw the door was open. Knowing Alli was going to snipe him with his water arrow. They went into his room find him asleep. They walk up to the bed and was staring him down. Leon open his mouth and Colten put the funnel in his mouth. Opening the thermostat then pour the coffee in the little cup. Hovering over the funnel, Colten slowly pour the coffee into Kody's mouth. Within seconds Kody woke up and spit out the coffee.

"WHAT THE...COLTEN! YOU KNOW I HATE THAT STUFF," Kody said furiously continuing spilt what coffee that remains in his mouth.

"Well sorry, princess for disturbing your beauty sleep," Colten said jokily, but went serious to remind Kody the date, "but did you forget what today is?"

"I don't know what today is," Kody said admitting while sitting on his bed.

"The ceremony, idiot," Leon said it bluntly.

Kody realize and jump out of his bed. Colten and Leon left his room to give him some privacy. Couple of minutes later the door opens and Kody was walking out. He asks where is Alli and Chylo? Colten inform him that those two went ahead and they will meet them at the castle. They were about to leave, but Kody grab his sickles and then they walk out. Kody lock his door and they headed straight to the castle.

Kody complain that they should teleport in front of the castle gate. Colten reminded that they must keep their identities as the actual Paladins a secret. The only ones who knew their secret was the royal family, some of the royal staff, former staff, the researcher and the blacksmith. Kody let out a sigh when he hears a violin playing. He asks Colten and Leon if they could hear the violin. They did decide to look for the person is playing the violin.

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