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"You know if we get caught we are going to be in BIG trouble," Addison said holding up our new and improved fake ID's. I was still surprised at how easily we got that nerd at school to make them for us. The club that we were planning on going to was an over twenty-one club, and since we were only eighteen we pretty much needed them.

"That's why we aren't going to get caught," I replied with a smirk. Addey and I decided that we had a pretty hard week constantly being in the principals office. I mean we did only switch all the cheerleading outfits with the football outfits, except our own obviously and I think that's pretty much how we got caught.

After one hell of a long week we decided that we deserve to blow of some steam and what better place to do so than the club on fourht avenue? Anyway, it was about time I had another run in with the extremely handsome Matt Michelson. Matt is three years older than I am and I'm pretty sure that he will be there tonight since he is kind of a party-holic.

Since birth Addison has been my best friend, we were born exactly two days apart. Before us our parents were also best friends. I don't recall where Addison's parents went off the rails but about a year ago her dad passed away because of an drug overdose which pretty much led her mother to the madhouse. Serouisly, her mother is being kept in a mental institution.

Ever since then my dad took it upon himself to be her legal guardian which meant that my best friend has been living with us since the passing away of her biological father.

"Are you ready for the last day of school!?" Addisons asked breaking me free from my thoughts.

"Oh I'm as ready as I've ever been!" I replied dramatically with a playful smirk on my lips.

"Finally no more exams, stress or useless 'boring-to-death' classes, althought I might miss the hot cheerleading outfit a little," she wined as she pulled her poker-straight blonde hair into a low ponytail.

"I won't! I'll be gladly done with organising everything as being the captain of the cheerleading team," I rolled my eyes trying to state my point.

I was staring at myself in the mirror trying to figure out what to do with my hair, it was long enough to touch the arch in my back, not too straight nor to curly and it was this perfectly jet black colour.

Addison started walking towards the window when she decided to break the silence once again, "hey did you know we were getting a new neighbour?"

"What are you talking about?" I replied while applying some mascara to my lashes.

She didn't respond immediatly but instead focused a little harder on whatever's going on outside of the window, "Casey do yourself a favour and come check this out!" I didn't take her too seriously because the fact is that she can be very overdramatic sometimes. I walked over to her and immediately saw what she was looking at... him.

Addison gaped openly as she observed his sharp jaw, chin and cheekbones. On either side of his straight nose were two blazing hazel eyes. His dark brows were graceful. All of it was framed by thick, warm dark choclate curls.

"Okay Cassey, hands off! You have the hots for Matt so this one is mine!" She instantly started to babble on.

"He's all yours sweetie," I replied with a slight giggle. "Now let's go and finish our last day of school," I said grabbing her by the arm and pulling her to her feet.

We were finally on our way to school and honestly I don't think I've ever been as happy going to school as I am today, because finally after today I never have to attend that prison of a school again!

Reverse Stockholm SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now