Behind those glasses

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                                                                        ~Part One~

                                        Behind the sunglasses, lies a familiar face.

The first day back at school was uneventful. The weather? Same as always. The same people greeted each other and sat in the same seats waiting for the same teacher to say the same thing again. But a different person was sat next to me. Not the person who I wanted it to be, not the person who promised to sit beside me. Chung-Hee. My best friend who left two years ago to become a K-pop idol, leaving me studying alone. Not that I am unhappy he is achieving his dream and all that, but it would have been nice if he told me instead of the class collectively being told that he had left to study elsewhere. Then I had to deal with all the questions about him, questions I couldn't answer.

Despite this, I'm not a complete loner, I have two totally bad ass friends, Yoora and Sun-Hee. Yoora, rich and smart, is the heir to a well known jewellery business and rightfully so, she has the top grades of the school and is stubborn and persuasive. Sun-Hee, not the smartest or the dumbest, average grades but cheerful and friends with nearly everyone, she also knows everything about everyone and has all the latest gossip, which lightens up our mornings.

"So, guess what happened this weekend?" She giggled, swinging her legs as she looked around to see if anyone was listening. She didn't think they were, but if you looked closely you could see everyone lean in and speak in low tones so they could here the news.

"What?" Yoora asked, putting her make up away. She may be smart, but has an inability to wake up early, barely on time and relies on me to wake her up from outside her window most mornings, but I was late after my mum gave me a lecture about behaving in school. Sun-Hee leaned in and grinned deviously.

"There was another fight on Saturday!" She whispered, barely containing her excitement. Yoora rolled her eyes and sighed, not prepared to listen to another fight story. Her father's business had been targeted by them although she didn't know why and took it as an offence, rightly so as 3 staff members left and lots more were contemplating resigning.

"That's the third this week, they're really getting riled up!" Bae-hyun, a tall handsome boy, the class 'ulzzang' known as 'baby' as his name sounds like the English word, joined the discussion, sitting on the opposite table, newspaper in hand.

"Says here it went on until midnight. six hours of fighting."

"Bet their neighbours were happy," Young-Jae, the clown replied sneakily, before he high-fived a few of his own 'comedy gang'.

"I don't know why the police don't arrest them!"

"Apparently they've taken over the police units!" Sun-Hee added, bouncing with excitement.

"I doubt it, more likely they can't catch them, They're quite good at concealing themselves. I've never seen them, not once and I live right next to where it happened. Not to mention I was up all night studying. Didn't here a thing." Sun-Hee frowned, hoping for more information.

"They're probably out for each other's throats for no mans land."

"Or Kim's gone and pissed of Chae-Unnie again." Kim; the leader of JCB is well known for picking fights with the leader of the Black Widows, in an attempt to rise higher in the pyramid. He has yet to succeed though, instead, many times he's managed to fall backwards in the eyes of the students here at Yang-Soon High. Not that he seems to care.

You see, the gangs are all known for their power. The three main gangs here are named The Black Widows and their sub unit Black Bullets from Incheon, JCB or Just Cool Because and their various collective supporters. Their name wasn't as cool, granted but they had the most followers. The last and most influential and famous was Shaolin Seoul, a group founded by the 'faceless' in Seoul to broaden their power. Or so the word on the street says. The gangs are all sorted into a hierarchy, Shaolin at the top, with Black Widow and JCB next on the pyramid, below them are the Black Bullets, BC2 and Seoul City Caos. From then, the other gangs were deemed 'less important'. The sub units were in control of them and the highers were in control respectively.

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