Freshly Turned

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Scarlett's POV

"Hi, I'm Marcel." He said and reached out his hand for me to shake. I gave him a sly look, I sidestepped him and tried to walk away. Before I could pass him he grabbed my arm. 

"Hold up. You're not going anywhere." He growled at me. I moved quickly and put my hand on his and flipped him over, so he was on his back. 

"Don't play with powers you don't understand," I said as my foot was pressing down his throat. 

I watched as his fangs extend and his eyes shifted colors.

I saw his hands move but he was too slow. I moved my other foot and stomped down on his shoulder. My heel digging into it, hard enough for bone to break. 

Then in one swift movement, I moved the foot that was on his throat. A hidden blade drenched in vervain came out of the heel and I quickly stepped down on his chest he let out a scream. The blade was so close to his heart that one tiny movement would make the blade pierce it. 

"I won't kill you. I've had my fill of bullshit today but take this as a warning. The vervain will spread to your heart. It will be painful but it won't kill you." I smirked

"And here, as a parting gift," I said placing the pouch containing the heart of the vampire I killed earlier on his forehead.

Something told me that the vampires in this town were as connected as ever and he would understand the warning I was giving him.

He glared at me as I scanned the area around me, to make sure no one was watching me, then I made my escape. 

I wasn't going anywhere in particular. It wasn't very cold outside so I tried to find a nice place to sit down. 

I ended up in the old house Elijah and I had our meeting. I found a nice corner and sat down. My head fell back and hit the wall as I let out a sigh. Finally some peace and quiet. 

My eyes drifted shut and before I knew it I was asleep.

I woke up to birds chippering and the sun shining in my eyes. 

Suddenly, I heard something break beside me. 

I was quick on my feet, pulling a knife out, ready to attack anything that moved. My eyes scanned the room but all I saw was a rabbit running full speed out of the house. I didn't let my guard down. A rabbit couldn't have a sound that loud. 

There. I thought as I threw the knife. 

"Bravo." I heard a voice say. I turned slowly towards the direction I threw the knife. There holding the knife was Elijah. 

"I could have killed you," I said monotonously as I walked confidently toward him. 

"And I believe you but not with the likes of this silver knife, dipped in what?" He said and touched the blade with his finger, watching as it etched his finger.

"Vervain of course." He smirked. 

I snatched the knife out of his hand in one quick motion.

I have a collection of weapons. This is a knife I use to wound not to kill. It wouldn't kill a vampire nor would it kill a werewolf. As long as it didn't hit the werewolf in the heart. I do have a knife made out of wood and it's dipped in vervain. I also have a sliver blade dipped in wolfsbane. Sometimes all you need is suffering.

I have weapons that can kill anything, except the originals. I need a white oak stake for that, which Elijah is now in possession of. 

I have some white oak ash, don't ask how I got it. But that only makes them go into a deep slumber, like fucking sleeping beauty

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