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Scarlett's POV

It took me a while to find what I was searching for but I finally found it. The place the Mikaelsons have been hiding out all these years. My search started in New Orleans where I stayed for a while. It seemed to have calmed down after Niklaus and Elijah disappeared.

I was surprised when I found Rebekah in charge of the vampires of New Orleans. She had made a long-lasting treaty with the witches and werewolves... and for the first time in centuries, New Orleans appeared to be peaceful.

Rebekah appeared to lead in Marcel's place. She did, of course, notice my presence in her city. She didn't exactly greet me with open arms. I had to stay for a good while (almost a year) before she would tell me where her brothers had gone.

We surprisingly became good friends over my stay in the city. I pictured her as a real bitch when I met her, which she is, but now I've grown to like that about her. We bonded over our shared torture at the hands of Mikael... and all the stupid mistakes we've made throughout our lifetime.

She had taken the Mikaelson's former residence and made it into her headquarters where she ruled with a league of female vampires.

The place also worked as a refuge for the newly turned female vampire and other female supernatural beings, to help them grow and not be used by older male vampires or other male supernatural beings. Because even though you have supernatural powers, men still believe they hold all the power and may do as they please, which is not the case. I do truly admire her work... and of course, I wish I had thought of it first...

Either way, I made sure to give her a way of contacting me if she ever needed anything. She informed me that Elijah, Niklaus, Hayley, and Hope had retired to a secluded house in the middle of nowhere.

I hopped on my newly trimmed bike and began the journey to find the lost Mikaelsons. It took a while before I found my way. But I ended up in the right place eventually. I wanted to be careful in case I was in the wrong place. I parked my bike at the entrance of a forest and removed my protective gear. Underneath I had a white summer dress. I wanted to look presentable if I were to see them again...

I strolled slowly through the forest, admiring the scenery and taking in the fresh smell of nature. Man, I missed living in a forest. I followed my senses, walking in the direction my gut told me to walk. Before long the trees opened up to show a huge, plain garden. There was not much to see besides a few trees and a bench close to the forest opening. In the middle of the garden stood a simple, yet beautiful house.

My focus remained on a little girl sitting on the bench, drawing. She was leaning over on the attached table in deep focus. The second my foot stepped on the grass her eyes snapped to me.

"Hi." I greeted plainly lifting my hand and making a friendly, greeting, waving motion.

"I'm not allowed to talk to strangers," The girl replied. 

As she spoke a gust of wind blew in my direction and I caught her scent. I recognized it instantly, Hope. She may have been a baby when I saw her last but the core scent of a person never changes.

"I'm no stranger, Hope. I simply haven't seen you since you were a little baby." I smiled sweetly at her and approached her.

"What are you drawing?" I asked. 

Hope looked at me suspiciously before she smiled at my question, happy to be back focusing on her drawing. She held up the drawing to me and explained;

"That's my house." She said pointing to a tiny house on the drawing, drawn in a normal childish manner. In many colors, with lines everywhere. Then she pointed to the four people on the drawing addressing them accordingly;

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