Chapter 3

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In the morning, I crawled out of bed and walked downstairs to the bathroom.

"It's almost over." I say to myself.

I take a deep breath, part of me thinks that it's a trap but I want this to be over so bad. All the teachers think he's a saint but when they aren't  looking... that's when he becomes the Devil.

He can't betray me though, he'll be doing it in front of everyone. The park is a very popular place where kids go to hang out after school. Plus, I'm taking a Karate lesson today.

I exit the bathroom  and head to the kitchen where mom is eating pancakes at the table.

She sees me come in and offers me pancakes. The pancakes are at the center of the table in a small pile. The syrup is next to the plate of pancakes on the right side. I pick up the bottle of syrup and start pouring them on the pancakes.

"Why can't we have pancakes everyday?" I ask, smiling. 

"I guess we never have the time to make them." She replied

I grabbed a fork and sat down across from her. 

"The studio opens at 12:15." I say, before shoving pancake into my mouth.

"And where is this karate studio?" She asks

"Right across from the post office in town."

"Okay." She said, picking up her plate and bringing it to the sink.

I continued to eat the pancakes, while mom cleaned up the kitchen.

After about 10 minutes, I was finished with the pancakes. I got up from the table and put my plate in the sink. After that, I left the kitchen and walked upstairs to my bedroom.

My phone is on the table charging but the battery is full, so I take it out and push the button to turn my phone on.

Once it's on I click on Pandora and listen to Matchbox Twenty Radio. I like to listen to music in the morning, it puts me in a good mood.

I told my mom that I wanted a guitar for my 11th birthday but she told me that when I am 15 years old, I can have one. I have two years left, but every time I hear a song with a guitar solo, it makes me want a guitar a little bit more.

I place my phone on my bed so I can get dressed.

I walk over to my closet and grab the first thing I see, I don't understand why girls take forever to put together an outfit. Always trying to look perfect I guess. 

I ended up with a plain blue T-shirt and baggy jeans.

After I changed into them, I grabbed my phone off my bed and a pair of headphones off the table, before heading downstairs to brush my teeth. 

After I brushed my teeth I looked at what time it was on my phone. It's only 10:00?

I go into the kitchen to find mom cleaning the dishes.

"You know, you're old enough to do the dishes too." Mom says, without turning around.

"If I'm not old enough to get a job then I don't think I'm old enough to wash dishes." 

"This is training."

"I'll do it when you get me that guitar I wanted for my 11th birthday."

"If you want it earlier, then you need to earn it."

"There's no wining with you is there?"



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