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"Mom what's wrong?" Clarke asks with tears in her eyes when she sees a crying Avery in Abby's mom. She rushes over to Abby and Abby hands her Avery

"Shhhh..... It's okay, mommy's got you." Clarke says to Avery as she holds her and almost instantly stops her crying, Bellamy stands right next to them

"What happened to her?" Clarke asks when she sees bruises on Avery's arms

"She had a seizure. She all of a sudden got a fever and then it happend. She was with Raven for a second and Raven kinda freaked out because she didn't know what was happening. Then people started crowding around trying to figure out what was happening. People tried to grab her to see what was wrong and it was all hectic. Finn eventually got them away when Avery and Eliza started to cry hard. Then I got Ave and brought her here. Raven and Finn are watching El right now." Abby says as she checks Avery one more time while Clarke holds her as they are sitting in the Doctor Bed

"You can take her back to your room. Just bring her back in the morning. Okay?" Abby says as she clears up

"Okay, Thank You Mom." Clarke says as she cradels her baby and runs her finger over Avery's face. Bellamy sits right next to them.

"Your welcome. That's what family is for." Abby says to Clarke and she sees the ring on Clarke's hand and Abby becomes overjoyed

"I see you finally proposed Bellamy." Abby says with a smile causing Bellamy to smirk and Clarke to blush when she looks into his eyes.

"I did." Bellamy says with a smirk causing Clarke to blush even more

"It was beautiful. The beach was amazing. It was like a dream." Clarke says with a smile

"We should get going." Bellamy says into Clarke's ear and she nods

They exchange their good-byes and Clarke and Bellamy leave as Clarke cradels a sleeping Avery. People stop and stare at them because of Avery's little scare, but Clarke and Bellamy don't pay any attention to it. At least Clarke didn't.

"If anyone lays a single hand on my daughter again, you'll regret doing it. That's a promise." Bellamy shouts and they continue walking

They go into Mechanical, figuring Raven was probably there and she was. Raven cradeled Eliza as she sat on a stool. Finn right beside her. Raven looks up and sees us.

"Is she okay?" Raven asks as she jumps up and hugs Clarke and Bellamy

"She's okay. Thank you for watching Eliza. You've been a big help." Clarke says with a smile

"That's what friends are for. Aren't they?" Raven says as she hands Eliza to Bellamy

"Yeah, they are." Clarke says with a smile

"Thank you Finn for 'saving' Avery when things got crazy." Clarke says with a smile and tears in her eyes

"Your welcome Clarke." Finn says and hugs Clarke

"Goodnight Raven and Finn." Clarke says to Raven and Finn

"Goodnight to you too Blake's." Raven says with a smirk, Finn and Bellamy let out a small chuckle, but Clarke has a blank expression

"Oh come on, it'll happen soon enough." Raven says with the biggest smirk, Clarke just smiles, they hug eachother, and The Blake's leave. If only Raven knew that Clarke would soon become a Blake.

The Blake's walk to their room. Bellamy and Clarke get the girls ready for bed. They clean them up, change them, then put then in the crib. Clarke and Bellamy change and they sit on the edge of their bed watching the girls sleeping together in their small crib.

"Today was a long day." Bellamy says as pulls Clarke closer to his side

"Yeah, it was." Clarke says and she plays with her ring

"I never knew this would happen to me. It's like all this is from a movie. Like the ones we used to watch together on the Ark." Clarke says still playing with the ring

"I does, doesn't it." Bellamy replies pulling Clarke onto his lap

"I love you." Clarke says

"I love you too." Bellamy says and kisses Clarke

*Someone knocks on the door*

"Who is it?" Bellamy says as he opens the door

"Hey Bell. I just wanted to make sure Ave is okay. I heard about what happened to her." Octavia says standing in the doorway

"It just a little bruising on her arms, but she's okay." Bellamy says

"Good..." Octavia starts to say until she see's Clarke playing with the ring in her hand

"What is that Clarke?" Octavia says pushing Bellamy out of the way and going to Clarke

"What is what?" Clarke says trying to hide the ring

"On your left hand." Octavia says. Clarke looks at Bellamy and he nods and smirks

"Your big brother proposed to me today." Clarke says showing Octavia the ring

"Yayayauauayaayauayaayay!!!" Octavia says covering her mouth, trying not to wake the girls

"Looks like someone is excited." Bellamy says under his breath and Clarke giggled

"I'm just really happy for you guys." Octavia says with the biggest smile in the world and Octavia holds Clarke's hand to see the ring

"It's mom's ring?" Octavia says and tears start to form in her eyes

"Yeah." Bellamy says wiping some tears off his own

"She'd be really happy that you found someone like Clarke to bring to your life." Octavia says wiping her own tears

"It's our life Octavia. She has made all the difference in both of our lives." Bellamy says making Clarke blush and start to tear up herself

"You can't tell anyone. We're telling them tomorrow." Clarke starts to say with a smile as everyone wipes away their happy tears

"Got it." Octavia says

*Cayden starts to cry in Linctavia's Room. They can hear it all the way from Bellarke's room*

"I gotta go. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Octavia says with the biggest smile

"Okay." Clarke says as she hugs Octavia

"Goodnight Octavia." Bellamy says as he hugs Octavia

"Goodnight Bell." Octavia says hugging Bellamy back

"And goodnight to The Blake's." Octavia says with the biggest smile in the world as she leaves the room and closes the door behind her

"I could get used to being called a Blake." Clarke says walking up to Bellamy and putting her arms around his neck

"I could too." Bellamy says putting his hands around her waist as he kisses her passionately

"I could definitely get used to this too." Clarke says as Bellamy carries her to the bed

"Me too princess." Bellamy says as he kisses Clarke more and more

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