Because of you

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It's so dark
I'm so alone
Why must you haunt me in my own home
You cross my mind so often
It brings me sharp pain
Yet to try to numb it off would be done in vain
I wish I'd never met you
I wish I had never crossed your path
I wish I had just shut you off and done the simple math
You hurt me beyond repair
You forced me into the depths of despair
Your not sorry and you never will be
Your not sorry because you never loved me
You called me a mistake
Now I'm starting to think that's true
I'm so cold and numb and it's all because of you
I don't know if I can love
I feel like a broken crippled dove
I'm trying I am
Yet the hour glass is running out of sand
I cannot heal
I cannot feel
All because of you
How can I ever again believe someone when they say they love me
How can I believe them when they say they won't go
I can't I won't even if my weakness and insecurities show
It hurts so badly
It's like your twisting the blade in my heart
I should have walked away
I should have left you from the start
This is who I am and I can't recover
My heart won't work all it does is hurt
My mind is in fragments and my emotions flip like a switch
For all I care I could end up dead and cold in a ditch
All because of you
It's all because of you...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2018 ⏰

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