chapter 10

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Danny's P.O.V.

*next day*

i woke up to the sound of my alarm going of. i checked the time and it was 11am. the girls would be here at 12 so i had to hurry. i quickly got out of bed and slipped on my slippers. i was still in my pj shorts and tank top but i didnt mind. i left my hair like it was and took my phone with me.

i walked downstairs and in to the kitchen were my dad was sitting reading the news paper. 

"HEY DAD!" i yelled making him jump. 

"god danny dont do that!" he yelled putting his hand on his heart.

"sorrry" i said laughing. i sat next to dad on the stool as Kathy served me some pancakes. 


"that must be justin thats why the gaurd let him through the gate, go get it" dad said taking a sip of his coffee.

"why is he here?" i asked not in a rude way.

"just had to talk about him performing at coachella" i heard dad say as i was already down the hall. once i reached the door i opened it to be met with justin. he was wearing sweatpants a white long tank top and a black snapback with all his chains and gold watch. with red supras.

"come innn" i said as i walked away with him following me.

my phone began to ring and i checked the caller ID it was Vanessa.

i answered the call with justin and dad watching me. i put it on speaker.

"BIITCHHHHHHH" Vanessa yelled down the phone. i watched as dad raised his eyebrow and justin laughed. 

"sup girly" i said not wanting to show dad what i would actually greet her with.

"girly? not hoe or slut this time how about-" i cute vanessa of.

"dads in the room and your on speaker sooo id rather not"i said laughing.

"oh...." was all she said.

"what did you neeed" i said taking a sip of my juice.

"just checking if you got your lazy butt out of bed, we will be there at 12 remember so get dressed" she said with a warning voice.

"yeah yeah i will be" i said rolling my eyes.

"ok see you soon girly lalalala love you" she said i could imagin her smirking.

"byeeeeeeeeeeeee" i said and hung up then put my dishes in the dishwasher.

"so your going to coachella?" justin asked.

"yep" i said as i collected my phone.

"see you there" he said smirking.

"will do, byee" i said and walked out. no comment.

i walked upstairs and in to my room. i got in to my bathroom and took of my clothes. i then took a shower and washed my hair. i got out of the shower and quickly brushed my teeth and blow dried my hair. 

one i was down i put on mybra and nickers and put on my bathrobe over it. 

i then walked to my closet. i picked out my plain black short sleeve crop top with my light blue denim ripped shorts. my floral long kimono over it with my black combat boots.a gold neck chain with a gold ring with little kitty ears on them. sea green nail polish, stylish but small bindi with my black michael kors bag. Wildfox Sunglasses the mirror ones mine were pinkish red.

for makeup i had Mac foundation, Red lipstick, Mascara, Eyeliner, and i had my hair normal with beach waves and a daisy headband. 

once i was done i checked myself out and nodded approving, i then checked the time and it was 12. just then the doorbell rang. once i was done i checked the time and it was 12. as if it was on cue the doorbell rang. 

figuring it was the girls i ran out my room with all my stuff and down the stairs. i saw the whole drew walking towards the door but i got there first. before i opened the door i heard my dad say "cover your ears guys" i rolled my eyes and opened the door only to be met with my sexy girls lol. Vanessa, Miley,Ashley Tisdale, Ashley Benson, Lucy, Shay, and Troian.

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