chapter 31

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Danielle's P.O.V.

as soon as we got home I walked towards my dad who was cooking supper for some reason.

he looked up and his smile turned in to a frown.

"oh my Danny, what happened?" he asked his eyes full of concern.

"when we're you gonna tell me that my mum was really not dead?" I asked wiping my tears.

the guys all went home so I didn't have anyone to back me up or anything.

"what... ummm err" he paused as he looked down at his shoes.

"are your shoes going to give me the answer?!" I yelled keeping my distance from him.

"listen I can explain everything" he said with hope in his eyes. I'm not that type of person who runs away from the problem, I heat the other person out because the only way you can get answers.

"I'm listening" I said tapping my foot as I let a couple of tears slip.

"ok so when your mum found out she was pregnant with you she said she didn't want it, she said she never loved me and it was all for my money which was my dad's money and she just wanted that... so I told her that give me the baby right after its born and she said no to that because she didnt want to have anything to do with you, I soon persuaded her in to letting mw have you bit she said only on one condition, which was to tell you,she was you know... dead" after dad said that, everything was put in to place.

i should of known, my dad hasnt got a bad bone in his body so why would he do this without a good enough reason.

"i hope your not lieing to my dad" i said sternly. he shook his head and gave me a week smile.

"im really sorry, atleast you no shes not really dead..." dad smiled but i didnt knowing she was actually dead.

"well... i went to the umm hospital to find out if she ever came back... and turns out she was ina car accident and..." i broke down crying and dad came and hugged me. i heard him sniff meaning he was sheding a tear too. i dont even no why i was crying, its not like she was ever there for me... but then again she did give birth to me and im not exactly going to throw a party, that would be selfish.

he let go of me and placed both his hands on my shoulders giving me a week smile. 

"tomorrow, i am gonna take you out, just me and you, its about time i get to spend some time with you" he said kissing my forehead. i smiled at the thought of me and dad hanging out because hes either always busy or im out sooo...

"dad, why did you tell the others before you told me?" i asked blinking away my tears.

"it was a hard decision to make but i only told them before you because you were in college for 4 years and if i told you before you went college, you would just be upset and wouldnt be able to follow your dreams" he replied stroking my hair. 

"well thank you for that, im gonna go to fredos house... need to talk to him..." i said quietly then walked towards the door. i grabbed my car keys and opened the door. i got in my car and and drove out of the drive way.

throughout the whole ride, i was getting nervous... i didnt no what to say to him. the fact that my best friend new the reason behind my mothers absence just killed me inside, i no i forgave the others and i should forgive alfredo, and he might of not told me for the same reason as dad...

i pressed the buzzer to his gates and his voice rang in the speakers. i told him who i was and he let me through the gates.i got out of my car and walked up to the door. it flew open revealing a teary eyed fredo. he had been crying...

i immediatly hugged him tightly which he gladly returned. 

"i thought you would hate me" he sobbed in to my hair. 

"i could never hurt you alfie!" i smiled letting a tear slip. he let go of me and i kissed his cheak. 

"please dont be upset, i will always love you" i said happily.

"im glad you forgave me, i love you more" he replied giving me another hug. 

"what were you doingt anyway?" i asked considering he was only wearing sweats and shirtless.

"i was... well moping around hating myself because i thought you hated me" he replied in a low tone.

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