chapter 29

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Danielle's P.O.V.

I flicked through the faulder and stopped when i found my birth certificate. it had all the usual stuff my name, my birthday, what time i was born, my parents names, and then which hospital i was born in.

"Santa Monica hospital" i mumbled to myself. i then picked up my birth certificate and some other papers which would be necessery to me. 

i then put the folder back and put the key back in the drawer where i found it. i looked around the room to see if everything was in place. i nodded and walked towards the room as i read the paper that was in front of me. 

i opened the door and walked out quickly shutting the door and locking it with the key i stole from dad. i was about to turn around when i heard someone clear there throat. i closed my eyes hoping it wasnt dad. 

i slowly turned my body and looked up seeing, justin, meajer ali, usher and chaz ryan and chris brown of course.

"shit" i mumbled under my breath then remembered i had the paper right in front of them. i quicly put them behind my back and gave them a 'im guilty kill me now' smile. 

"what were you doing in your dads office? and what do you have behind your back?" usher asked raising his eyebrows. 

"nothing umm just you no" i said looking around as i tried to thing of an excuse, avoiding any eye contact.

"your lieing" justin said flatly. 

"how am i?" i raised my eyebrows.

"we no you" they all said which completly freaked me out. 

"i have to go" i said quickly rushing away but justin wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up from behind and carried me back to were they were.

"justiiiiiiin" i whined. 

"tell us what your doing" chris said smirking. 

"no" i said folding my arms and tapping my foot. 

"fine lets go tell scooter about your little trip to his office" ryan smirked and they all turned around but i ran infront of them widning my arms so that they couldnt go past. 

"you cant" i panicked. 

"and why not?" meajer ali asked raising his eyebrows. i sighed knowing i would have to tell them. 

"is this about what we heard yesterday?" justin asked 

"what did you hear last night?" usher asked.

"nothing" i quickly said. 

"we over heard scooter talking on the phone saying something about err dannys mum... that shes apparently still alive" justin said scratching the back of his neck.

"but shes uhh you no" chaz said looking down 

"gheez you can say shes dead you no?" i asked smiling. 

"but chaz is right... maybe we should drop the subject" usher quickly said nervously.

"whats going on?" i asked frowning.

"nothing, what makes you think theres something going on cos i can assure you nothings going on oh look at those flowers so pink" chris said really really fast. 

"ok tell me. now" i said sternly.

"uhhh, well..." usher scratched the back of his neck then looked at chris.

"your ummm, mum ummm..." chris stopped talking i dont even no why

"can someone tell me!?" i yelled getting frustrated.

"your mum, shes still alive, for real" usher said looking in to my eyes.

"umm what?" i asked as my heart started pounding.

"when you were born, she ran away and months later she came back and told scooter to tell you she was dead..."meajer ali explained. my heart stopped and my jaw dropped open.

"what?" i asked as i dropped the papers that were in my hands.

"listen, your dad did wanna tell you but-" i cut usher off.

"then whos fucking grave have i been visiting for 20 years! cos you just told me that my mum is some sick idiot who ran away from her fucking problems!" i yelled as i let a tear slip.

"listen its not like that, you shouldnt call your mum that" meajer ali said calmly.

"i wouldnt address that women as my mum, who else new about this?" i asked raising my eyebrows.

"just us... and pattie, jeramy, erin, alfredo-"i cut usher of as i became really angry.

"alfredo new!?" i yelled pulling at my hair. 

"yeah..." he replied looking down. i looked at justin who looked shock right now.

"did you no?" i asked pointing at justin.

"huh? no! and if i did no, you would be the first person i would tell, trust me" justin said soothing me. i let out a sigh atleast he didnt no...

i picked up the papers and wiped my tears. 

"where are you going?" usher asked as they al followed me down the stairs.

"to go find a sick bitch thats my 'mum'" i said putting quote marks around 'mum' i walked out the house and they all got in to the car as i sped out the drivway. with all the anger in me, i could kill that bitch.

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