Chapter 1

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Penny's PoV.

I lay down on my bed with my head buried in a pillow. "What's wrong Pen? You called and now all I hear are groans. You okay there?" Kayla voice spoke through the speaker of my phone. I was such a mess, I wish she was here.

I turned my head to the side, my cheek resting on the pillow. "No, I'm not fine, Kay. I just realised how naïve it was for me to think that maybe my crush on my archenemy would lead somewhere. I'm just so hopeless, aren't I?" I rambled and sunk deeper into my newly found state of depression.

"I'll be over at your place in 10." She replied and hung up before I could say anything. I smiled, that's exactly what I needed, my best friend. I sighed and went back to expressing my frustration to my pillow.

I must have talked a quick nap after that, because the doorbell woke me up. "Penny, somebody's at the door, and I wasn't expecting visitors today. Maybe the pizza guy mixed up his addresses, I need to tell him that I didn't order anything." I heard Uncle Gadget talk to himself and I could guess that he was going over to the door, no need for me to get up.

"Oh, Kayla! I didn't know you worked at the pizza place." I heard him exclaim and I couldn't help laughing at his behaviour. Some things never change. I could tell Kayla just ignored his conclusions, she had gotten used to him by now. I'm pretty impressed that she managed to get by him without him bombarding her with questions about the pizzerias.

I heard her footsteps get closer until she was at my doorway. She stopped there, because I could hear movement anymore. "Gosh, Pen, you look even worse than what you sounded like through the phone." She commented and sat down on the bed.

I picked myself up and sat up on the mattress. "Thanks" I deadpanned. "Hey, I'm here to help you." She raised her hands defensively. I knew, she came here to help me after all. The sarcasm on my part was unnecessary.

"I know, thanks." I said, this time sincerely. "Now, spill the beans. I want all the deets, don't hold yourself back." She pulled her legs up onto the mattress and propped her head on her hands, elbows resting on her knees.

"So, you know that I may have had a small crush on Talon..." I trailed off. "Yeah, more like you were absolutely smitten the first time you two met, and you were lovestruck if he was in the same room as you." She followed up.

"Hey, it wasn't that bad!" I opposed, feeling quite offended. "Trust me, it was. The both of you, you were so into each other, that I was surprised you two didn't start making out the second you saw the other." She reported blankly.

"Wh-What? No, that's not possible, how would you know that?" I blurted out. There was no way Talon felt the same way about me. Even if he did, that wouldn't change the fact that he's a MAD agent. We could never be together because of that. "Oh, I was there, you just never noticed, because you were so preoccupied with lover boy." Kayla complained, leaning back on her hands.

"Sorry, I didn't realise that I had been ignoring you." I apologised to her. "No worries, Pen. It's not like I didn't have other stuff to do anyway." She brushed it off. I felt relieved that she hadn't bored the hell out of herself just because her best friend couldn't talk with her. I really hoped she wasn't lying about that only to clear my mind. "Right now we're talking about you, not me. You may proceed with your story." She added with a reassuring smile.

"Okay, so you know that this situation has been going on for a while. It's been three years for Brain's sake!" I exclaimed and the said puppy popped his head into the room. "Sorry, Brain, It's nothing, just an expression." I informed him, he nodded and went back to whatever he was doing.

"Okay, I'll try to keep it short. So I was thinking, I'm 18 now, we've known each other for one sixth of my life and nothing happened. I've done some calculations and it is very improbable that anything will happen in at least another three years. And I can't wait until I'm 21 for a chance of a maybe, I think that I should just get over Talon once and for all, but I have not a slightest idea of how I would so that. I want to stop thinking about him, but he keeps on coming back to me when I least expect it, like during training, and when I'm in my room, or making breakfast, or just walking the halls of HQ..." I rambled quickly. "Whoa, whoa. Stop right there." She put her hands in front of her, like she was calming down a wild animal in front of her, which would be me. I gave her a minute for the information to sink in.

Her eyes lit up with excitement. "Okay, Pen, I know what to do. As much as I've always wanted Talenny to happen, I hate seeing you in this state more. We need to find you a boyfriend ASAP." She explained with a glint in her eye. I could tell that she has been wanting to play matchmaker for a while now.

I sighed, giving up. I had no other idea anyway. "And how are you planning to do that exactly?" I questioned.

How on Earth is she planning to do that? I have no experience with meeting guys, let alone flirting with them. I mean, we sometimes tease each other flirtatiously with Talon-No stop, bad Penny. You are trying to get over him, not to fall even more by reminiscing on the past.

"You are going to go on some blind dates, girl." Kayla said with a confident smirk. It reminded me of-uh, no, not happening. I definitely wasn't thinking about T-I mean my enemy. Just an enemy.

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