5. Water Balloon

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You punctured my heart and left.
As if that wasn't enough, you also left me in a flood.

You kept the tap running,
But water did not flow,
No, instead words did.

The words that you had said to me,
They were pouring out of my heart,
The words that held so much meaning to me once, they were circling my head and trapped in my heart,

I think they need to leave, just like you did.

The words that you embedded in to my naive heart, they need to go because lies don't belong in my heart, it cannot pulsate demon's venom.

Your absence is drowning me and dampening my heart.

I never knew how much my lungs loved the brushes of air in them until they were full of water and the last breath escaped my blue lips.

Never knew how lethal empty deep words could be.

Never thought your words could ever be a necklace of hands reaching my throat.

Words chocking me so hard, no sound came out.

You left.

I had stayed  here, now realising,
That my heart was a water balloon.

That finally went,


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